
When organizing charity fundraising campaigns on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform, you need to have a clear strategy on how you are going to do it. Check out our blog for ideas.

Start a campaign
Articles - Financial support for cancer patients: sources of information and organisations
20th December 2020

Financial support for cancer patients: sources of information and organisations

Unfortunately, cancer has touched the lives of almost everyone in the world, whether directly or indirectly. And the numbers continue to grow - the Am...

Articles - Top strategies for small business survival
10th December 2022
Top strategies for small business survival

Do you have a restaurant or coffee shop that serves as your home away from home? A bookstore that might as well have your name emblazoned on the armchair? It's not just you: people like to find a place where they feel good, and stick with it. So when your favorite small business is facing closing its doors, it's time to take action. Check out our small business survival strategies. Why are local businesses so important? As of 2016, over 51% of...

Articles - What are the requirements for starting a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?
6th May 2023
What are the requirements for starting a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?

If you need money that you don't have, or you are supporting someone in need or a good cause - there is a great solution that could help you quickly raise the money you need. Nowadays, with the opportunities that the internet gives us, it's really easy. And we atPavelAndreev.ORG are here to help youraise donations online. If you have a mission you need financial help for, post the story on our site. There are standard requirements for launching...

Articles - Raising funds for treatment? 5 challenges to tackle
28th May 2023
Raising funds for treatment? 5 challenges to tackle

It is quite normal to encounter difficulties when starting a charity campaign. These can include many aspects - from setting it up to organising it and raising the funds. The most common difficulties faced by charity campaign creators are related to how to raise the required amount. Perhaps someone else's fundraising campaign is going better than yours in the meantime ? It's important to analyse your campaign and know what you're getting into to...

Articles - Myths about cancer fundraising campaigns to avoid
28th May 2023

Myths about cancer fundraising campaigns to avoid

When it comes to a cause related to cancer treatment or another non-profit, you can take advantage of the opportunities offered bydonation platforms. They can be your loyal ally and help you multiply donations to your campaign. So don't waste any more time (which is very important in such situations), but start a donation campaign to raise funds on PavelAndreev.ORG. In today's article, we will pay particular attention to some of the so-called "...

Articles - How can we make the campaign to raise funds for treatment more effective?
28th May 2023

How can we make the campaign to raise funds for treatment more effective?

Theaim of thefundraisingcampaigns for cancertreatment, surgeries, transplants, rehabilitation and medicines, is to raise the necessary amount as quickly as possible and to start the treatment. In many cases, raising funds quickly can be life-saving, so a way to create the most effective donation campaign possible should be sought . If you or a loved one needs money for treatment, you can start a charity campaign on the largest crowdfunding pla...