foster family

Organizing a charity campaign to raise funds to help a foster family through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

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Articles - How to quickly raise money to adopt a child
18th December 2022

How to quickly raise money to adopt a child

Children are the greatest gift a person can receive throughout his life! And if fate has not been kind enough to ordain you to be a parent, institutio...

Articles - What we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages
21st September 2023
What we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages

Children deprived of parental care are a vulnerable group. They face many challenges and difficulties. These children, for a variety of reasons, have been separated from their biological parents and forced to live in children's homes or foster families. Do you know what orphaned and parentless children face? Very often children deprived of families are subjected to physical, emotional and social problems. They face a lack of stability and secur...

Articles - How to help educate children and young people
22nd September 2023
How to help educate children and young people

Education is essential for the development of our children and preparing them for the future. It provides them with the knowledge, skills and opportunities that help them to integrate successfully into society and achieve ever higher goals. However, the education system faces many challenges that require significant financial resources. What financial support does the education of children and young people need these days? Educating adolescents...

Articles - How to provide help to a child in a children's hospice
22nd September 2023
How to provide help to a child in a children's hospice

Children's hospices are specialized medical centers that provide care and support to children with terminal illnesses and their families. These centers provide physical, emotional and psychological support, striving to give a dignified quality of life to young and adolescent patients, regardless of their illness. Children's hospices offer medical monitoring, symptomatic treatment, a palette of therapies and comfort while assisting families thro...

Articles - How much secondary education costs and how to help more children have a real chance
3rd October 2023

How much secondary education costs and how to help more children have a real chance

"The education of a child must begin at least 100 years before he is born."- Oliver Wendell Holmes And, if you don't completely agree with the words of the American doctor, lecturer, professor, poet and writer, then we suggest you don't leave the topic. Learn how much secondary education costs and how we can help more kids have a real chance. Here you will also find the Pavel Andreev Foundation and a number of useful tips, guidelines on how to...

Articles - How to request donations for a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education
4th October 2023

How to request donations for a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education

"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not just preparation for life, but life itself."-John Dewey. Fact: Secondary education is not free. Many times the cost is prohibitive for parents and dozens, even hundreds of children, remain ignorant these days. Let's look at how we can help a child in need of funds to continue their secondary education. Content: Why it is important for every child to have a secondary educa...