
Organizing a charity campaign for earthquake fundraising through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

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Articles - Do victims of a natural disaster - earthquake; flood; fire or other - need psychological support?
5th October 2023

Do victims of a natural disaster - earthquake; flood; fire or other - need psychological support?

Natural disasters are natural phenomena that are destructive in nature and scale, endangering people's health and lives and causing significant materi...

Articles - Floods and pets: How can we protect and help?
5th October 2023
Floods and pets: How can we protect and help?

Aflood is a natural disaster, distinguished by its powerful and destructive force, which can take human life and cause great damage, in just a few minutes and even seconds. This situation is dangerous for both people and their pets. The best thing dog or cat owners can do for them, in the event of a flood, is to develop a safety plan and follow it. Understanding what to do before, during and after a disaster can help a lot. What to do before a f...

Articles - Disaster response donation campaigns: How they are managed and how they help
17th October 2023
Disaster response donation campaigns: How they are managed and how they help

There are many ways to respond to disasters and to provide assistance to affected communities. People affected by a disaster need humanitarian and medical assistance as well as financial support. Raising funds is most often done through acts of charity by various governmental and non-governmental organizations, businesses, foundations and individuals. Read also our article: What efforts and resources are needed for disaster recovery Ways to or...

Articles - Protecting children in floods: How to ensure their safety and help them overcome the shock
18th October 2023
Protecting children in floods: How to ensure their safety and help them overcome the shock

Floods and landslides are some of the worst natural disasters people can face. They have enormous destructive power and cause serious material damage and can sometimes take lives. We should not be complacent in such situations and we should actively participate in donation campaigns to help the victims. Throughout history, floods have killed millions and caused significant damage, affecting many countries around the world. Children are differen...

Articles - What efforts and resources are needed to recover from a disaster
18th October 2023

What efforts and resources are needed to recover from a disaster

Disasters, whether natural or due to human error, cause enormous damage to the environment, destruction of infrastructure and loss of life. In such situations, it is very important to organise activities in order to speed up relief and recovery. They are the responsibility of both the state and society. The main objective after a disaster is to restore normal life and provide assistance to the victims. For this, it is necessary to coordinate com...

Articles - Floods and vulnerable groups: How to protect and support them
18th October 2023

Floods and vulnerable groups: How to protect and support them

Did you know that floods are the most common natural disaster, accounting for 40% of all natural disasters that occur on Earth. Floods can be caused by intense rainfall and snowmelt, dam bursts, typhoons, wind waves and tsunamis. Many are extremely destructive. The material damage they can cause is enormous. But nothing is worth more than human life and, unfortunately, it is rare for such a natural disaster to pass without casualties. Types of d...