
Organize a charity campaign to raise funds to deal with the consequences of disasters and accidents through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

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Articles - How to create a Disaster Survival Kit?
13th December 2020

How to create a Disaster Survival Kit?

Jim Judge, a member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Board and director of emergency management for Volusia County in Florida, says the b...

Articles - Your guide to disaster fundraising
16th December 2022
Your guide to disaster fundraising

In recent years,crowdfunding platforms have become a vital piece of the disaster recovery puzzle for individuals, families, communities and even entire regions recovering from hurricanes, fires, floods and other disasters. This publication walks you through the basics of disaster fundraising. Unite, tune in, and launch your fundraising campaign People recover better from a disaster when they work together. For the greatest impact, unite with o...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help victims of natural disasters?
9th May 2023
What do we need to know when we want to create a campaign to help victims of natural disasters?

Unfortunately,not a year goes by globally that does not record an apocalyptic natural disaster such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, fires, etc. It is argued that the increase in these phenomena is a direct consequence of climate change and other factors for which we, as 'inhabitants' of this planet, are largely to blame. It is no secret to anyone that you cannot fight nature and in such situations you rely on God's help and your luck. What is...

Articles - How automatic monthly donations can save lives
12th June 2023
How automatic monthly donations can save lives

Unfortunately, there are many people who are in crisis and need financial help, and a donation site like PavelAndreev.ORG makes it easy for donors to offer help with their automatic monthly donation feature. The automatic monthly donation option through Pavel Andreev's platform enables individuals who may not be able to afford to transfer a larger amount at once, but give smaller amounts over a period of time. Undoubtedly, this is a good option...

Articles - Ideas: How can we help with flooding?
27th June 2023

Ideas: How can we help with flooding?

The recent heavy rains and floods have affected thousands of lives and damaged countless homes in different parts of Bulgaria. People not affected by the disaster are sympathizing with the victims and trying to help in various ways those in need in the hardest hit areas of the country. Those affected really need our help! The best and most affordable way to help them is to organize a donation campaign. The Pavel Andreev Foundation makes it easy...

Articles - How can we help with natural disasters - floods, fires, earthquakes?
27th June 2023

How can we help with natural disasters - floods, fires, earthquakes?

We all know that you cannot go against nature. When a natural disaster strikes, we realise that this is exactly the case. After floods, fires and earthquakes, the only thing we can do is try to help the victims. This can happen in a number of different ways, but perhaps the most effective way to maximize the benefit is to create a donation campaign. By setting up a campaign on the Pavel Andreev platform, the cause will reach as many people as pos...