
Organizing a charity campaign to raise funds for the purchase of equipment through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

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Articles - How to provide help to a child in a children's hospice
22nd September 2023

How to provide help to a child in a children's hospice

Children's hospices are specialized medical centers that provide care and support to children with terminal illnesses and their families. These cente...

Articles - What children's hospices need. How to best help
22nd September 2023
What children's hospices need. How to best help

Many times we don't have to think about something until it befalls ourselves or our loved ones. Today we will talk more in depth about the topic of children's hospices and what this type of institutions need. What are the needs of children's hospices In order to function effectively and provide the best care, children's hospices have several basic needs. In the most generalized and systematized order, these are: Need for financial resources...

Articles - How to organize a fundraising campaign for palliative care for children and young people
27th September 2023
How to organize a fundraising campaign for palliative care for children and young people

Did you know that "Children learn to smile from their parents"? These are the words of Shinichi Suzuki. He is a Japanese violinist, educator and philosopher. Along with that, he is the founder of Suzuki's international method of music education and developed a philosophy for teaching people of all abilities and all ages. However, it is not him we will talk about in this chapter, but how to organize a fundraising campaign for palliative care for...

Articles - Rescue Mission: How to help the wounded during and after war
5th October 2023
Rescue Mission: How to help the wounded during and after war

In times of war, people's uncertainty, fear and anxiety about what is happening around them is immeasurable. Nothing is the same anymore and our whole lives are turned around 360 degrees. A different mode of operation is established and strict goals and objectives are followed to ensure the safety of the civilian population. Roads are blocked, a curfew is imposed and measures have to be strictly adhered to. All this is leading to chaos and fear a...

Articles - Financial support after a natural disaster: providing funds for recovery
18th October 2023

Financial support after a natural disaster: providing funds for recovery

Natural disasters happen unexpectedly and are difficult to predict. We all know how devastating the damage from a flood, earthquake or fire can be and what the consequences are for the people who have experienced this nightmare. At this point, they need support so that they can rebuild their homes and return to their normal way of life. The moral and psychological support that can be given to victims of a natural disaster is very important. The s...

Articles - The 10 things that work best for a crowdfunding campaign for tornado victims
8th January 2024

The 10 things that work best for a crowdfunding campaign for tornado victims

A fundraising campaign for tornado victims is an excellent idea. It can be beneficial both to support those in need and to enable new partnerships, donor connections and dozens of other benefits. To make it happen, however, you'll need some guidelines that you're unlikely to be as familiar with if you're planning a fundraiser for the first time. That's what we've chosen to go into detail about in this article, so we can make it clear for anyone w...