❤️ Подкрепа за семейството на Светла и Вики ❤️ Support for Svetla and Vicky's family

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❤️ Подкрепа за семейството на Светла и Вики ❤️ Support for Svetla and Vicky's family

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1628.56 EUR пожертвовано из 3835 EUR
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Гео Бъчваров
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Благотворителна кампания в подкрепа на Светла и Вики



Аз съм Гео и искам да ви разкажа историята на едно семейство, което минава през трудности, а сега остана и без баща.

Преди малко повече от две седмици бях съкрушен от обаждането на Вики, дъщерята на моя приятел Теодор, че всички в семейството им са се разболяли от Covid 19, но при баща й е имало усложнение и се е наложило да влезе в болница, където е починал. Теди нямаше и 50г. и през последните 3 години се грижеше усърдно за съпругата си Светла, която е с раково заболяване и претърпя вече няколко операции и цикли на химиотерапии. Сега пред семейството им стои голямо изпитание, защото Вики е студентка втори курс и трябва да учи и да се грижи за майка си, а финансово разчитат на една пенсия и евентуално допълнителна пенсия и стипендия. Предстоят нови медицински терапии и операции през следващата година.

Възхитен съм, че в тези трудни за всички ни дни, сърцата на много хора са отворени да помагат на хора в нужда!

Ето защо Ви призовавам да се обединим в каузата за това семейство и да съберем 7500лв, които да им послужат като помощ в ежедневните разходи и медицински терапии за майката, предстоящи през следващите месеци.    

Разходите са планирани да се изразходва така:

за хранителни продукти, лекарства и медицински грижи за майката - 5 месеца х 1500 лева = 7500 лева

Инициатор на кампанията: Гео Бъчваров

Бенефициенти по кампанията: Светла и Вики

Как можете да помогнете?

чрез дарение тук в платформата, чрез виртуалния пос терминал (кликни на бутона дари)

ако нямате финансова възможност - чрез споделяне на кампанията в социалните ви мрежи (кликни на бутона сподели)

чрез контакт с регионални медии за разпространяване на кампанията

Нека дадем спокойствие на това семейство за няколко месеца. 🙏🏻

Dear friends,

I am Geo, and I want to share with you the story of a family (Svetla and Vicky) that are facing hard time losing their husband and father.

My friend Teodor, who was taking care of his wife Svetla in the past 3 years, lost his life from Covid-19 two weeks ago. Svetla has a cancer disease and for the past three years she had some operations and therapy. Now the family is facing a great challenge because the daughter Vicky is a university student and will have to study and take care of her mother at the same time. They only count on one pension and soon they may receive another pension and a scholarship from the University.

I am encouraged to see how in this hard time for the whole world, people are still willing to help the ones in need!

Our goal is to collect 7500 lv. (equals to 4500 $), so we can support that family for several months in this terrible moment of their life. The amount of the donation will be used mainly for food supplies, medical supplies and therapy.

Please donate! Any amount would be appreciated and would definitely help the family!

May God bless you!

How can you help?

with a small donation (click the green button "Дари")

share in social medias (click the blue button "Сподели"

Charity campaign in support of Svetla and Vicky



I'm Geo and I want to tell you the story of a family that went through hardships and now is without a father.

Just over two weeks ago I was devastated to receive a call from Vicky, my friend Theodore's daughter, that everyone in their family had contracted Covid 19, but her father had a complication and had togo into hospital where hedied. Teddywas not yet 50 and for the past 3 years had been diligently caring for his wife Svetla, who had cancer and had already undergone several surgeries and cycles of chemotherapy. Now their family is facing a big test because Vicky is a second year student and has to study and take care of her mother, and financially they rely on a pension and possibly an additional pension and scholarship. New medical therapies and surgeries are coming in the next year.

I am delighted that in these difficult days for us all, the hearts of many people are open to helping people in need!

Therefore, I urge you to unite in the cause for this family and raise 7500BGN to serve them as assistance in the daily expenses and medical therapies for the mother coming up in the coming months.

The expenses are planned to be spent as follows:

-for food, medicine and medical care for the mother - 5 months x BGN 1500 =BGN 7500

Campaign initiator.

Campaign beneficiaries.

How can you help?

-By don atinghere on the platform, through the virtual пос terminal (click on the donate button)

-if you don't have the financial possibility - by sharing the campaign on your social networks (click on the share button)

-by contacting regional media to spread the campaign

Let's give this family peace of mind for a few months. 🙏🏻

Dear friends,

I am Geo, and I want to share with you the story of a family (Svetla and Vicky) that are facing hard time losing their husband and father.

My friend Teodor, who was taking care of his wife Svetla in the past 3 years, lost his life from Covid-19two weeks ago. Svetla has a cancer disease and for the past three years she had some surgeries and therapy. Now the family is facing a great challenge because the daughter Vicky is a university student and will have to study and take care of her mother at the same time. They only count on one pension and soon they may receive another pension and a scholarship from the University .

I am encouraged to see how in this hard time for the whole world, people are still willing to help the ones in need!

Our goal is to collect 7500 lv. (equals to 4500 $), so we can support that family for several months in this terrible moment of their life. The amount of the donation will be used mainly for food supplies, medical supplies and therapy.

Any amount would be appreciated and would definitely help the family!

May God bless you!

How can you help?

-with a small donation (click the green button "Donate")

-share in social medias (click the blue button "Share"

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