Wszystkie wiadomości na temat kampanii

26. listopada 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds

Дарение на средства от кампания Да помогнем на Софи / Let’s help Sofi към кампания Живот за Мирена. Прехвърлена сума: 0.79EUR Donation from Let's help Sofi campaign to Life for Mirena campaign. Amount transferred: 0.79EUR

16. sierpnia 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Hello everyone, I’m doing very well and wanted to let you know that I’m requesting payment for the medication. Thanks for your support! 🤍 Sofia Pinto Hello everyone, I'm doing very well and wanted to let you know that I'm requesting payment for the medication. Thanks for your support! 🤍 Sofia Pinto

286.37 EUR Zwrócone środki na wydatki
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
5. sierpnia 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Hello, Attached is the invoice for the plane tickets. Thank you 🤍 Hello, Attached is the invoice for the plane tickets. Thank you 🤍

120 EUR Zwrócone środki na wydatki
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
5. sierpnia 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Hello Team, Attached is the invoice for the hotel. Thank you 🤍 Hello Team, Attached is the invoice for the hotel. Thank you 🤍

85 EUR Zwrócone środki na wydatki
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
5. sierpnia 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Hello, Attached is another invoice for the plane tickets. I’m recovering well and appreciate your support. Thank you 🤍 Sofi Hello, Attached is another invoice for the plane tickets. I'm recovering well and appreciate your support. Thank you 🤍 Sofi

135 EUR Zwrócone środki na wydatki
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
26. lipca 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Hello! We have safely returned home and are recovering well after the kidney transplant. We are deeply grateful for the support of everyone! (: Hello! We have safely returned home and are recovering well after the kidney transplant. We are deeply grateful for the support of everyone! (:

1370.13 EUR Zwrócone środki na wydatki
0.75 EUR Opłata transakcyjna
2. lipca 2024
София Пинто jest organizatorem beneficjenta София Алмеида Пинто
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

Здравейте на всички, Благодарение на даренията ви, вече сме планирали да пътуваме следващия понеделник, 8 юли, за операцията в Истанбул. Подготвяме се за пътуването и сме много благодарни за помощта ви. Бих искала да изкажа сърдечни благодарности на всички, които подкрепиха нашата кампания.... Hi everyone, Thanks to your donations, we are already planning to travel next Monday, July 8, for the surgery in Istanbul. We are preparing for the trip and are very grateful for your help. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our campaign. Special thanks to Pav...

22500 EUR Płatność na fakturę
32.5 EUR Opłata transakcyjna