Raising money for animal shelters Raising money for animal shelters

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Raising money for animal shelters Raising money for animal shelters

21 Донатори
525.64 EUR донирани од 450 EUR
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Lewis Vye
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Lewis Vye е организатор на кампањата
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We're trying to raise money for animal enclosures so that it allows us to leave the property for a longer duration than we currently can.

We're currently struggling with dogs running loose due to the pigs taking there enclosure it's not safe and we thought we had enough to build at least one pen but it turned out that having the excavator in to dig channels cost more than we bargained for, and now we can't afford to get a pen complete. 

When the pen is complete. We will honour all who have donated with a lovely plaque with everyone's names on it. 

Thank you to anyone who can donate, and even to those who would if they could. 

We're trying to raise money for animal enclosures so that it allows us to leave the property for a longer duration than we currently can.

We're currently struggling with dogs running loose due to the pigs taking there enclosure it's not safe and we thought we had enough to build at least one pen but it turned out that having the excavator in to dig channels cost more than we bargained for, and now we can't afford to get a pen complete.

When the pen is complete. We will honour all who have donated with a lovely plaque with everyone's names on it.

Thank you to anyone who can donate, and even to those who would if they could.

Види повеќе
18-ти октомври 2024
Lewis Vye
Approved repayment Approved repayment
First, we are going to buy some sand and cement, then we are going to enquire about cpnrete posts in the village, we have been given 10 posts already... First, we are going to buy some sand and cement, then we are going to enquire about cpnrete posts in the village, we have been given 10 posts already...
515.64 EUR Исплатен износ до корисникот
10 EUR Трансакциска такса
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