Help Olesya beat leukemia / Допоможіть Олесі перемогти лейкемію Help Olesya beat leukemia

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Help Olesya beat leukemia / Допоможіть Олесі перемогти лейкемію Help Olesya beat leukemia

134 Донатори
8397.6 EUR донирани од 84800 EUR
Maryna Batozhna
Olesia Batozhna
Краен датум
Крај после 35 дена
Расположлив износ
702.74 EUR
Maryna Batozhna организира кампања за Olesia Batozhna
Крај после 35 дена
Расположлив износ
702.74 EUR


Olesya is a very brave girl from Ukraine. She had already beaten neuroblastoma at the age of 1 and was completely healthy. A few weeks before her fourth birthday, Olesya felt tired, her skin became pale and her mood was sad.

Doctors from Ukraine made a terrible diagnosis - leukemia, and gave only 1 day to travel to Spain to the Sant Joan de Deu clinic.

The road was very exhausting, but Olesya is a strong girl and was able to make it. Now she has had the necessary tests and started chemotherapy.

Olesya's older brother, who loves her very much, is waiting for her at home. We believe that Olesya will definitely win this time, she just needs our help.

We are incredibly grateful for any support and the fact that we are not alone on this path - gives us great hope that Olesya will overcome everything


Олеся дуже хоробра дівчинка з України. Вона вже перемогла нейробластому у віці 1 року і була повністю здоровою. За декілька тижнів до свого четвертого дня народження Олеся відчула втому, її шкіра стала блідою а настрій сумний.

Лікарі з України поставили страшний діагноз - лейкемія, і дали лише 1 день на дорогу до Іспанії в клініку Sant Joan de Deu.

Дорога була дуже виснажливою, але Олеся сильна дівчинка і змогла доїхати. Зараз їй провели необхідні дослідження і почали хіміотерапію.

Вдома Олесю чекає старший братик, який дуже її любить. Ми віримо, що Олеся обовʼязково переможе і цього разу, їй лише потрібна наша допомога.

Ми невимовно вдячні за будь яку підтримку і те, що ми не одні на цьому шляху - дає нам величезну надію що Олеся все здолає


Olesya is a very brave girl from Ukraine. She had already beaten neuroblastoma at the age of 1 and was completely healthy. A few weeks before her fourth birthday, Olesya felt tired, her skin became pale and her mood was sad.

Doctors from Ukraine made a terrible diagnosis - leukemia, and gave only 1 day to travel to Spain to the Sant Joan de Deu clinic.

The road was very exhausting, but Olesya is a strong girl and was able to make it. Now she has had the necessary tests and started chemotherapy.

Olesya's older brother, who loves her very much, is waiting for her at home. We believe that Olesya will definitely win this time, she just needs our help.

We are incredibly grateful for any support and the fact that we are not alone on this path gives us great hope that Olesya will overcome everything


Olesya is a very brave girl from Ukraine. She had already beaten neuroblastoma at the age of 1 and was completely healthy. A few weeks before her fourth birthday, Olesya felt tired, her skin became pale and her mood was sad.

Doctors from Ukraine made a terrible diagnosis - leukemia, and gave her only 1 day to travel to Spain to the Sant Joan de Deu clinic.

The road was very tiring, but Olesya is a strong girl and managed to get there. Now she has undergone the necessary tests and started chemotherapy.

At home, Olesya is waiting for her older brother, who loves her very much. We believe that Olesya will definitely win this time, she just needs our help.

We are incredibly grateful for any support and the fact that we are not alone on this path gives us great hope that Olesya will overcome everything.

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5-ти ноември 2024
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Thanks to all your support Olesia has been able to continue the treatment. We are more than grateful for all of you's generosity. Thanks to all your support Olesia has been able to continue the treatment. We are more than grateful for all of your generosity.
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Платіж затверджено Payment approved
We need the money to continuo Olesia´s treatment. thanks for all your support and incredible work. We need the money to continue Olesia's treatment. thanks for all your support and incredible work.
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