📖 Да помогнем една книга да достигне до повече читатели 📖 To help a book reach more readers

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📖 Да помогнем една книга да достигне до повече читатели 📖 To help a book reach more readers

2 Donatori
152.57 EUR donati da 1687 euro
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Кремена Дачова
Кремена Дачова
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Кремена Дачова organizza una campagna per Кремена Дачова
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Благотворителна кампания за превод на книга "откровеНИЕ"

Здравейте, мили, обични и широко скроени хора. Здравейте, Българи!! 

Нашата кауза тук е да съберем средства за финансиране на превода на моята книга "откровеНИЕ"


какво е '"откровеНИЕ" - сборник с 18 притчи, които провокират размисъл за "сМИСЪЛ", "Промяна", "скъпоЦЕННОСТИ", "КРЪГоврат", "Днес", "На прага", "Вчера, днес и утре", "МЕЧТАя", "Поток" и още други от онези непреходни неща, които вълнуват всеки от нас в един или друг момент от живота. Поднесени в стихотворна форма текстовете в "откровеНИЕ" като че ли отмерват ритъма и важността на малките крачки, които правим по големия път на живота си.

В страниците на "откровеНИЕ", читателят ще намери философски проникновения, есенция от смисли, усещания, озарения за света, "стихо - проза или прозрения за непрозаични неща". Главни герои в притчите на Ормай са Светлината и Тъмнината, Сенчестата и Озарената страна на нещата, Доброто и Злото, Красотата и Грозотата, Истината и Неистината в реалността и света на всеки от нас.

"откровеНИЕ" не е книга, която се чете на един дъх! Това е книга, която можете да отворите всеки път когато живота ви е оставил без дъх!

В първата част на книгата – „АЗ съм“,  връщам читателя в света на приказките. Снежанка и злата й мащеха, Червената шапчица, баба й и вълка са някои от познатите ни от детството приказни герои, вмъкнати от Ормай в нови, различни от детските приказки – сюжети за възрастни и пораснали деца. Появяват се и други мои Ормайни герои…. един Зелен дракон, една ПепеРуда… и още нарицателни образи, с които провокирам читателя към фокус върху важността на самооценката, за видимото в огледалото на живота и за разликите между образите в това огледало и нашите вътрешни очаквания и образи за света.

Във втората част „Искам да бъда“…. . посланията в книгата ми се разгръщат в многоцветна палитра не от приказни герои, а от теми и неща – важни за света, видян през очите на всеки от нас; светът, такъв какъвто ни изглежда и такъв, какъвто ни се иска да бъде! Перспективата <аз съм> е пречупена в <искам да бъда>, изпъкват разликите между двете - иначе успоредни - парадигми за света.

В третата си част - провокативно озаглавена "АЗ + АЗ = НИЕ" - книгата поставя големия въпрос за синергичното преливане на <Аз, такъв какъвто съм> в <Аз, такъв какъвто ми се иска да бъда>, проявлението и случването на личността, разгръщането в цялост, допира на двете парадигми за света.

Вторият, но не по важност и смисъл подтекст в големите три букви в "откровеНИЕ", вплитам между редовете, подтиквайки читателя да потърси и открие онази точка на сливане и взаимно преливане на два отделни <Аз-а> в образа на трета - творчески потенциална, пораждаща новото - перспектива на светоусещане, в която два Аз-а се сливат в <НИЕ> и от малка, единична човешка перспектива прерастват в обща и цяла. В нея от <его> + <его> стигаме до новия субект <НЕГО> - онова идилично сливане на две отделни същности в една обща цялост, позволяващо хармония със себе си и със света, в света!

Поднесени в рима, украсени с илюстрации - направени от художника Александър Моллов с талант, философски замах и много любов - думите ми в "откровеНИЕ" вярвам, нежно подтикват към ревизия на ценности, ограничителни и насърчителни вярвания, собствени истини и неистини, лични митове за герои и псевдогерои, лични избори, воли и неволи… .

Позволете си откровение със себе си!



откъс от "откровеНИЕ"
"Маскиране, гримиране – търсене и намиране дилема за важни неща" 
В навечерието на деня преди да преместим с час часовниковата стрелка, надбягах в съня си времевата стрелка.
Откраднах от нея 60 отмерени минутни такта.
Надзърнах в безкрая.
Той пък ме отведе за кратко в Рая.Какво си запазих от там?
Намерих на дилемата – повестта
и поемата.
Повестта споделям тук с думите, а поемата затова е поема за да - "по пътя нейн" – някой да каже, че тепърва поема.
Та, тръгнах кълбото аз да разплитам и
с нишката му пътя си аз да бележа….да бележа, бележа….
току виж – забележа,
че относителни са във времето всички неща и….
как ще изглеждат размерите им зависи само от фара, който придава на тъмнината светлина…и дали в равнината на лъча стои и възпира напора му – сноп от мъглявина.
Мъглявина?... Чия ли е тази вина?-
нещо да спира или да пречи на снопа от слънчева светлина тъмното с цвят да обагри и да добавя му топлина.
Топлината пък, има си своите нюанси – на недовиждащите…не прави тя реверанси!
Сянката намалява, студът се стопява само от лъч светлина. Към светлината топлина се добавя. Небрежността трудно прощава когато със светлото се прекалява.
Тогава светлината гори.
Гори и прегаря, та чак до жарава, след себе си черно оставя …
на тъмното другостта да цари….
Дали лъч светлина тъмното ще стопи
или ще изгори всички големи – бавно и дълго расли, наши гори?
Дали ще разпали огъня в нашите души или тъмното там ще приповдигне, разрасне….зависи само от светлия сноп на лъча, зависи…от моето <искам> в себе си да допусна оназ яснота,…
На ин-а и ян-а да позволя себе си да обгърнат в облика на другостта, да срещнат, доближат се и се докоснат, тъмното в светло да се прелее, на светлото – горещината пак да отнеме – охладняването на нощната несветлина. Посрещнах Хелоуин в нощна тъма. Погледнах сенките в себе си, опознах ги. Посрещнах ги – с очите си, не - с гърба. Да бягам от тъмното не почувствах потреба. Във водите на <светлото> нямаше нужда бързо да греба…
Допряха се. Светлото докоснало бе предишната тъмнина.
Утрото рано настъпи.
Нощта - му място, отстъпи.
Настана време веч за пробуда.
Нямаше я вече Ботевата „черна прокуда“.Събуди се тялото, даже – ума….
Пробуди се и душата и в тялото ек проехтя..
Време е други да буди, от дългия сън света да събуди.
Дойде време за Бъднина!"


Ако не можете да подпомогнете финансово нашата мисия, можете да я споделите с ваши приятели. Ние вярваме, че действителността е продукт на нашите мисли. Подарете добри мисли за нашата кауза и тя ще пребъде.

Благодарим на фондация „Павел Андреев“ за подадената ръка, за безусловната подкрепа, а скоро – вярваме, че -  ще имаме повод да им благодарим и за постигнатия резултат!







Целевата сума е сформирана по следния начин:

  • 1800лв за труда на художника - 18 илюстрации по 100лв - изработка и предпечат;
  • 1500лв за превод от български на английски език - приблизителен обем 75 страници по 20лв на стандартна страница с 1800 знака 

За книгата и автора, можете да видите/ чуете повече на:



Charity campaign for translation of the book "Revelation"

When people don't go to books, books are finding their way to people.

Do you read? What was the last book you read? The answer is anonymous, so be honest with yourself! Is it hard or easy to be honest? To be honest and straightforward ?! It takes courage, doesn't it?

By showing courage and believing in yourself , we will be honest, too. A book needs your help. Her name is "revelation". To reach more readers, the book "verse-prose or insights for  non-prose things" needs an English translation.

As the author says - Ormay: "revelation" is tailored to everyone's pocket - you can carry it in your inside pocket, in your handbag or just in the suitcase for "low cost" travel „. It will take no other place than, I hope, in your heart, it will not weigh, on the contrary - it will give you lightness and a feeling of wings ... "

In the pages of "Revelation", you will find the essence of meanings, feelings, insights into the world - prose for non-prosaic things .... For those of you who want to shelter in your home, in your heart this small book with great soul, for those of you who would be happy to receive it to give to someone, we offer now:




We at the VISIONERS Europe Foundation believe that united by our common beliefs, values, principles and skills, we can start a pure and well-intentioned cause for the high common good of the society in which we were born and live.

"Give a BOOK" is a message from our project "GIVE" from 2021. Project "GIVE" is indefinite and without a budget! It is realized only with the energy, pure thoughts and good intentions of each of us, next to you, in front of, behind us ... Project "GIVE" invites you to donate a book to someone, because in every home there is at least one book that stands forgotten on the shelf. And because no book deserves such a fate .... in the project we give you a suggestion: Take it off the shelf. Blow out its dust. Open its pages.  Give it to someone!

Today, in early January 2022, we have chosen to change our paradigm for the world of books. Because we live in a time when people don't go to books, we decided to help make books go to people. We will send you your personal copy of Revelation in Bulgarian in gratitude for your heartfelt financial support to finance the translation of the book into English.

If you have read the text so far, we thank you.

If you can't support our mission financially, you can share it with your friends. We believe that reality is a product of our thoughts. Give good thoughts for our cause and it will last.

We thank the Pavel Andreev Foundation for the helping hand, for the unconditional support, and soon - we believe that - we will have occasion to thank them for the achieved result!

The target amount is formed as follows:

BGN 1,800 for the artist's work - 18 illustrations of BGN 100 each - production and prepress;

BGN 1500 for translation from Bulgarian into English - approximate volume 75 pages of BGN 20 per standard page with 1800 characters

For the book and the author, you can see / hear more at:

Как можете да помогнете?

  • чрез дарение тук в платформата, чрез виртуалния пос терминал (кликни на бутона Дари)
  • ако нямате финансова възможност - чрез споделяне на кампанията в социалните ви мрежи (кликни на бутона Сподели)

Charity campaign for translation of the book "revelation"

Hello, kind, loving and broad-minded people. Hello, Bulgarians!!

Our cause here is to raise funds to finance the translation of my book "revelations"

what is "Revelation" - a collection of 18 thought-provoking parables about "meaning", "change", "precious things", "turn", "today", "on the threshold", "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", "I DREAM", "Flow" and more of those timeless things that excite each of us at some point in our lives. Presented in poetic form, the texts in "revelations" seem to measure the rhythm and importance of the small steps we take on the big road of our lives.

In the pages of "revelations", the reader will find philosophical insights, an essence of meanings, sensations, illuminations about the world, "poetry - prose or insights about unprosaic things". The protagonists of Ormai's parables are Light and Dark, the Shadowed and Unshadowed side of things, Good and Evil, Beauty and Ugliness, Truth and Untruth in the reality and world of each of us.

"revelation" is not a book to be read in one breath! It is a book you can open every time life has left you breathless!

In the first part of the book, "I Am", I bring the reader back to the world of fairy tales. Snow White and her wicked stepmother, Little Red Riding Hood, her grandmother and the wolf are some of the fairy tale characters we know from childhood, inserted by Ormai into new, different from children's fairy tales - stories for adults and grown-up children. Other Ormai characters of mine also appear.... a Green Dragon, a PepeRuda... and more namesake characters, which I use to provoke the reader to focus on the importance of self-assessment, of what is seen in the mirror of life, and the differences between the images in that mirror and our internal expectations and images of the world.

In the second part "I want to be".... . the messages in my book unfold in a multi-colored palette not of fairy tale characters, but of themes and things-important to the world as seen through each of our eyes; the world as it appears to us and as we wish it to be! The perspective of <I am> is refracted into <I want to be>, the differences between the two - otherwise parallel - paradigms of the world stand out.

In its third part - provocatively titled <I + I = WE> - the book poses the big question of the synergistic merging of <I, as I am> into <I, as I wish to be>, the manifestation and happening of the personality, the unfolding in totality, the touching of the two paradigms of the world.

The second, but no less important and meaningful, subtext in the capital three letters in "revelation", I weave between the lines, urging the reader to seek and find that point of fusion and mutual overflow of two separate <Selves> in the image of a third - creatively potential, generative of the new - perspective of world-perception, in which two Selves merge into <NOTHING> and grow from a small, single human perspective into a common and whole one. In it, from <itself> + <itself> we arrive at the new subject <NOTHING> - that idyllic fusion of two separate selves into a common wholeness, enabling harmony with self and with the world, in the world!

Presented in rhyme, adorned with illustrations - done by the artist Alexander Mollov with talent, philosophical drive and much love - my words in "revelations" I believe, gently prompt a revision of values, limiting and encouraging beliefs, own truths and untruths, personal myths of heroes and pseudo-heroes, personal choices, wills and woes... .

Allow yourself a revelation with yourself!

excerpt from "revelation"
"Masking, make-up - a search and find dilemma for important things"
On the eve of the day before we moved the hour hand, I ran over the time hand in my sleep.
I stole 60 measured minute beats from it.
I peered into infinity.
It took me briefly to Heaven.What did I keep from there?
I found the dilemma - the novella
and the poem.
The novella I share here with the words, and the poem is therefore a poem to - "on the way not" - someone to say that it is yet to take.
So, I set out to unravel the ball and
with the thread of its path I mark....to mark, mark....
just see - notice,
that all things are relative in time and....
what their dimensions will look like depends only on the beacon that gives the darkness light...and whether in the plane of the beam stands and restrains its onslaught - a bundle of nebulosity.
Nebula?... Whose fault is that ?
Something to stop or hinder the beam of sunlight from tinting the dark with color and adding to its warmth.
Warmth, on the other hand, has its shades - to the unseeing... it does not make curtsies!
The shadow diminishes, the cold is melted by a mere ray of light. To the light warmth is added. Carelessness is hard to forgive when light is overdone.
Then the light burns.
It burns and burns, even to embers, leaving black in its wake ...
of dark otherness to reign....
Will a ray of light melt the dark
Or will it burn all our great forests - slow and long grown?
Will it kindle the fire in our souls or will the darkness there rise, grow....depends only on the bright beam of the ray, depends ... on my <wanting> within myself to allow that clarity, ...
The yin and yang to let themselves enveloped in the guise of otherness, to meet, approach and touch, the dark into light to spill, the light - the heat again to take away - the cooling of the night's unlight. I welcomed Halloween in the darkness of night. I looked at the shadows within, got to know them. I met them - with my eyes, no - with my back. Running from the dark I felt no tremor. In the waters of <light> there was no need to row fast...
They touched. The light had touched the previous darkness.
Morning came early.
Night, its place, receded.
It was time for awakening.
Botev's "black prospuda" was no more.The body awoke, even - the mind....
The soul woke up and the body of the e..
It is time to awaken others, to awaken the world from its long sleep.
The time has come for Christmas Eve!"

If you can't support our mission financially, you can share it with your friends. We believe that reality is a product of our thoughts. Give good thoughts to our cause and it will endure.

We would like to thank the Pavel Andreev Foundation for the helping hand, for the unconditional support, and soon - we believe - we will have a reason to thank them for the result!

The earmarked amount is formed as follows:

  • 1800 BGN for the artist's work - 18 illustrations 100 BGN each - production and prepress;
  • 1500lv for translation from Bulgarian to English - approximately 75 pages at 20lv per standard page with 1800 characters

About the book and the author, you can see/hear more at:


Charity campaign for translation of the book "Revelation"

When people don't go to books, books are finding their way to people.

Do you read? What was the last book you read? The answer is anonymous, so be honest with yourself! Is it hard or easy to be honest? To be honest and straightforward ?! It takes courage, doesn't it?

By showing courage and believing in yourself , we will be honest, too. A book needs your help. Her name is "revelation". To reach more readers, the book "verse-prose or insights for non-prose things" needs an English translation.

As the author says - Ormay: "revelation" is tailored to everyone's pocket - you can carry it in your inside pocket, in your handbag or just in the suitcase for "low cost" travel. It will take no other place than, I hope, in your heart, it will not weigh, on the contrary - it will give you lightness and a feeling of wings ... "

In the pages of "Revelation", you will find the essence of meanings, feelings, insights into the world - prose for non-prosaic things .... For those of you who want to shelter in your home, in your heart this small book with great soul, for those of you who would be happy to receive it to give to someone, we offer now:




We at the VISIONERS Europe Foundation believe that united by our common beliefs, values, principles and skills, we can start a pure and well-intentioned cause for the high common good of the society in which we were born and live.

"Give a BOOK" is a message from our project "GIVE" from 2021. It is realized only with the energy, pure thoughts and good intentions of each of us, next to you, in front of, behind us ... Project "GIVE" invites you to donate a book to someone, because in every home there is at least one book that stands forgotten on the shelf. And because no book deserves such a fate .... in the project we give you a suggestion: Take it off the shelf. Blow out its dust. Open its pages. Give it to someone!

Today, in early January 2022, we have chosen to change our paradigm for the world of books. Because we live in a time when people don't go to books, we decided to help make books go to people. We will send you your personal copy of Revelation in English in gratitude for your heartfelt financial support to finance the translation of the book into English.

If you have read the text so far, we thank you.

If you can't support our mission financially, you can share it with your friends. We believe that reality is a product of our thoughts. Give good thoughts for our cause and it will last.

We thank the Pavel Andreev Foundation for the helping hand, for the unconditional support, and soon - we believe that - we will have occasion to thank them for the achieved result!

The target amount is formed as follows:

BGN 1,800 for the artist's work - 18 illustrations of BGN 100 each - production and prepress;

BGN 1500 for translation from Bulgarian into English - approximate volume 75 pages of BGN 20 per standard page with 1800 characters

For the book and the author, you can see / hear more at:

How can you help?

  • by donating here on the platform, via the virtual пос terminal (click on the Donate button)
  • if you are not financially able - by sharing the campaign on your social networks (click on the Share button)
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