Помогнете на Гери да ходи/Help Gerry walk Help Gerry walk

Traitement, médecine et réhabilitation 1/5

Помогнете на Гери да ходи/Help Gerry walk Help Gerry walk

220 Donateurs
6594.11 EUR donnés de 30575 EUR
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Гергана Емилиянова Петрова
Date de clôture
Montant disponible
Гергана Емилиянова Петрова est l'organisateur de la campagne
Montant disponible



Казвам се Гергана Петрова на 19г. от гр.Враца с диагноза Остеосарком. Познавам вкуса на загубата – майка ми и вуйчо ми не успяха да се преборят с рака.

Коварната болест сполетя и мен през 2017г. От тогава животът ми е борба. След серия химиотерапия, операция за цялостна смяна на тазобедрена става и пак химиотерапия ракът се върна с образование в белия дроб и ставата. Последва нещастен инцидент – нелепо падане и чупене на изкуствената става, само допълни абсурдната ситуация. Следват две поредни животоспасяващи операции. Лекарската комисия взе тежкото решение да ампутира крака. Към този момент лечението ми продължава. Провеждам таргетна терапия в болница в гр.Пловдив. Всяка седмица се налага да ходя до там. Имам разходи както за път, така и за лекарства, които приемам ежедневно. Баща ми е мой личен асистент и се налага да се издържаме само с инвалидната ми пенсия и неговата заплата като мой личен асистент.

Боря се и вярвам, че ще успея. За да бъде възможно това имам нужда от скъпоструваща протеза, която ще ми позволи по-свободно придвижване и пълноценен начин на живот доколкото това е възможно, както и средства за лечение занапред. Сумата за протезата е 59 800лв., като тя не включва престой и обучение в протезния център. Офертата е валидна 90 дни от датата на издаване (29.09.2022г.). Валидността на офертата е изтекла и сумата може да бъде по-висока. 

Сумата е непосилна за нас. Всеки който желае и има възможност, нека ми помогне. 


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Hello, my name is Gergana Petrova from Vratsa. I am 19 years of age and I have been diagnosed with Osteosaroma. Long story short is that I know the taste of loss. My mother and uncle were not able to beat cancer. The insidious disease also befell me in 2017. Since then my life has been a struggle to say the least. After a series of chemotherapy, total hip replacement surgery, and chemotherapy again the cancer returned with metastasis in the lungs and joints. An unfortunate accident followed – a ridiculous fall and breaking the artificial joint only added to the absurdity of the situation. Two consecutive life-saving surgeries followed. The doctors made the difficult decision to amputate my leg. As of now, my treatment is ongoing. I am currently undergoing a target therapy in a hospital in Plovdiv. I have to travel there weekly. I have expenses for both travel and medication that I take daily. My father is my personal assistant and we have to live on just my disability pension and his salary as my personal assistant. I am being strong and I believe I will succeed. In order for this to be possible I need an expensive prosthesis that will allow me to walk more freely and lead a fulfilling lifestyle as much as possible. The amount for the prosthesis is BGN 59800, which does not include stay and training is the prosthetic centre. The offer is valid for 90 days from September 29, 2022. The offer has expired and the mount may be higher.

The amount is impossible for us. Anyone that is willing and able to help will be much appreciated.



My name is Gergana Petrova, 19 years old from Vratsa, diagnosed with osteosarcoma. I know the taste of loss - my mother and uncle did not manage to fight cancer.

The insidious disease befell me in 2017. Since then, my life has been a struggle. After a series of chemotherapy treatments, total hip replacement surgery and more chemotherapy, the cancer came back with education in my lung and joint. An unfortunate accident followed - a ridiculous fall and breaking the artificial joint only added to the absurdity of the situation. Two consecutive life-saving operations followed. The medical board made the difficult decision to amputate the leg. At this point my treatment continues. I am undergoing target therapy in a hospital in Plovdiv. Every week I have to go there. I have expenses both for travel and for medicines that I take daily. My father is my personal assistant and we have to support ourselves only with my disability pension and his salary as my personal assistant.

I am struggling and believe that I will succeed. In order for this to be possible I need an expensive prosthesis that will allow me to move more freely and live as full a life as possible, as well as funds for future treatment. The amount for the prosthesis is 59 800lv. and it does not include stay and training in the prosthesis centre. The offer is valid for 90 days from the date of issue (29.09.2022). The offer has expired and the amount may be higher.

The amount is prohibitive for us. Anyone who is willing and able, let me help.


Please share this so it can reach more people!

Hello, my name is Gergana Petrova from Vratsa. I am 19 years of age and I have been diagnosed with Osteosaroma. Long story short is that I know the taste of loss. My mother and uncle were not able to beat cancer. The insidious disease also befell me in 2017. Since then my life has been a struggle to say the least. After a series of chemotherapy, total hip replacement surgery, and chemotherapy again the cancer returned with metastasis in the lungs and joints. An unfortunate accident followed - a ridiculous fall and breaking the artificial joint only added to the absurdity of the situation. Two consecutive life-saving surgeries followed. The doctors made the difficult decision to amputate my leg. As of now, my treatment is ongoing. I am currently undergoing a target therapy in a hospital in Plovdiv. I have to travel there weekly. I have expenses for both travel and medication that I take daily. My father is my personal assistant and we have to live on just my disability pension and his salary as my personal assistant. I am being strong and I believe I will succeed. In order for this to be possible I need an expensive prosthesis that will allow me to walk more freely and lead a fulfilling lifestyle as much as possible. The amount for the prosthesis is BGN 59800, which does not include stay and training is the prosthetic centre. The offer is valid for 90 days from September 29, 2022. The offer has expired and the mount may be higher.

The amount is impossible for us. Anyone that is willing and able to help will be much appreciated.

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