Нека помогнем на Наско да спаси зрението си СПЕШНО Let's help Nasko to save his vision URGENTLY

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Нека помогнем на Наско да спаси зрението си СПЕШНО Let's help Nasko to save his vision URGENTLY

144 Donateurs
6749.67 EUR donnés de 24542 EUR
Galina Georgieva
Атанас Иванов Маринов
Date de clôture
Fin après 16 jours
Montant disponible
613.51 EUR
Galina Georgieva orgqnise une campagne pour Атанас Иванов Маринов
Fin après 16 jours
Montant disponible
613.51 EUR

Здравейте мили хора от близо и далеч.

Казвам се Галина Георгиева, а това на снимката е моят много добър приятел Атанас Маринов, с който днес искам да ви запозная. Днес ви Моля от цялото сърце да го подкрепите в неговата битка да не загуби зрението си. Той страда от латисова дистрофия на роговицата и единствнният му шанс за да не ослепее е трансплантация на роговиците на двете очи. Познавам Наско от почти 15 години и смело мога да твърдя, че е добър и верен приятел, който обожава работата си, семейството и приятелите си. От тогава и знам, че се бори със заболяването си. Била съм свидетел на негови кризи, в които не може да спи от пробождаща и силна болка в очите, зрението му се замъглява и това се отразява на пълната му функционалност. Силните слънчеви лъчи са изключителен дразнител за очите му и за това той постоянно носи слънчеви очила. Не може да чете и да се подписва на документи. 

 Той е на 45 години и живее в Бургас и работи в сферата на Кулинарията - Шеф-готвач е с 27 годишен опит, както в България така и в чужбина. Обучавал се е в Германия и Франция и е работил за ресторанти на същите места, както и е готвил за шейха на Оман.

 Заболяването му е наследствено и около 20-тата му година е бил диагностициран с това заболяване. През всичките години той се грижи за здравето си, следвайки препоръките на лекарите да ползва специални очила, капки за очи, подлагал се е на процедури за изтъняване на роговицата, премахване на киста от окото и всичко е било за негова сметка. За съжаление това заболяване има само консервативно лечение и с възрастта зрението се влошава, докато човекът напълно ослепее. В последните две години зрението рязко му се влоши, като на дясното му око спадна на 15 %, а на лявото на 25 %. От няколко месеца търсим варианти за трансплантация на роговица. Обиколил е клиниките в София, ходи в Турция, дори в Германия през изминалата зима, като дори работи в завод  за батерии на коли, за да може да получи здравни права и да бъде одобрен за трансплантация безплатно там, но се оказа, че там също се заплаща.

Свързахме се с Професор доктор Адем Анил Кубалоглу от турската болница Дюнагюз, която има филиал в Чорлу и други места. От тях дори получихме проформа. За огромно съжаление сумата е непосилна за него и семейството му, той едвам издържа финансово да се справя с разходите по поддържащото  си лечение. Операциите ще са две, като първо се прави едното око и след 3 месеца другото. Турските клиники работят с Американски банки за роговици. От там ни увериха, че седмица след официалният преглед роговицата се доставя в рамките на дни и операцията се прави веднага. Възстановяването при този тип операция е по-бързо и той ще може до 40 дена след това да бъде напълно функционален. Сумата за трансплантациите е 24 000 ЕВРО, като дясното ще бъде 12 000 ЕВРО и лявото 12 000 ЕВРО. Също така след операциите ще има непридвимиди разходи свързани с лекарствата и ходенията за прегледи, които още нямаме представа какви и колко ще струват.

Наско не спира да работи въпреки пробемите си. В момента работи в новооткрит ресторант в Созопол и е в голямо напрежение. С голяма помощ от близките си пише съобщения и попълва документи. Когато е под голям стрес и притеснения  това се отразява на зрението му - то се влошава и освен това той получава кризи с много болки в очите и главата.  На моменти изпада в депресивни състояния, заради страхът да не ослепее и да загуби уменията да се грижи за себе си.  Надяваме се с ваша помощ да му върнем надеждата и да му дадем шанс за нормален и пълноценен живот без повече болка. Умолявам ви от цялото си сърце да протегнете ръка на Наско за да му помогнем в битката да спаси зрението си!

Лично се захванах с тази кауза, защото той е един изключителен приятел и заслужава да получи шанс да възстанови зрението си! Моля Ви от цялото си сърце да го подкрепите в тази негова битка!


My name is Galina Georgieva, and the person in the picture is my very good friend Atanas Marinov, whom I want to introduce to you today. Today I ask you wholeheartedly to support him in his battle not to lose his sight. He suffers from latis dystrophy of the cornea, and his only chance of not going blind is a corneal transplant in both eyes. I have known Nasko for almost 15 years and I can boldly say that he is a good and faithful friend who loves his job, family and friends. Since then, and I know he's been battling his illness. I have witnessed his crises during  which he cannot sleep from stabbing and severe pain in his eyes, his vision becomes blurred and this affects his full functionality. The strong sun rays are an extreme irritant for his eyes, so he constantly wears sunglasses. He is 45 years old and lives in Burgas and works in the field of Culinary - Chef with 27 years of experience, both in Bulgaria and abroad. He has trained in Germany and France and worked for restaurants in those countries, as he also cooked for the sheikh of Oman.

His illness is hereditary, and around the age of 20 he was diagnosed with this disease. Over the years, he took care of his health, following the doctors' recommendations to use special glasses, eye drops, underwent procedures to thin the cornea, remove a cyst from the eye and everything was at his expense. Unfortunately, this disease has only conservative treatment, and with age, vision deteriorates until the person is completely blind. In the last two years, his eyesight has deteriorated significantly , dropping to 15% in his right eye and 25% on his left eye. We have been looking for corneal transplant options for several months. He has visited clinics in Sofia and Turkey, and even in Germany. last winter, he went working in a car battery factory in Germany so he would be able to get health rights and be approved for transplantation for free there, but it turned out that he had to pay out of pocket . We contacted Professor Dr. Adem Anil Kubaloglu from the Turkish hospital Dunagüz, which has a branch in Corlu and other places. We even got an offer from them. Unfortunately, the amount is unbearable for him and his family. He barely supports financially the costs of his supportive treatment. The operations will be two, first one eye and after 3 months the other. Turkish clinics work with U.S. corneal banks. We were assured that a week after the official examination, the cornea is delivered within days and the operation is done immediately. Recovery in this type of surgery is fast and the eye will be able to be fully functional within 40 days afterwards. The amount for the transplants is 24,000 euros, the right will be 12,000 euros and the left 12,000 euros. Also, after the surgeries, there will be costs associated with medicines and examination visits that we still have no idea what and how much they will be.

Nasko does has not stoped working despite his problems. He currently works in a newly opened restaurant in Sozopol and is under a lot of pressure given the urgency of his situation and condition. With great help from his relatives, he writes messages and fills out documents. When he is under great stress and worries, it affects his vision - it deteriorates, and in addition, he has crises with a lot of pain in his eyes and head.  At times he falls into depressive states because of the fear of going blind and losing the skills to take care of himself. We hope that with your help he will have a chance to have this operation done and live normal and fulfilling life without anymore pain. I implore you with all my heart to reach out to Nasko to help him in the battle to save his eyesight!

I personally took up this cause because he is an exceptional friend and deserves a chance to restore his eyesight! I ask you with all my heart to support him in this battle!


Hello dear people from near and far.

My name is Galina Georgieva, and the one on the picture is my very good friend Atanas Marinov, whom I would like to introduce to you today. Today I ask you from the bottom of my heart to support him in his fight not to lose his sight. He suffers from corneal dystrophy and his only chance of not going blind is a corneal transplant in both eyes. I have known Nasko for almost 15 years and I can safely say that he is a good and loyal friend who loves his work, family and friends. I have also known since then that he is battling his disease. I have witnessed him in crises where he cannot sleep from stabbing and severe pain in his eyes, his vision blurs and it affects his full functionality. The strong rays of the sun are an extreme irritant to his eyes and for this he constantly wears sunglasses. He cannot read or sign documents.

He is 45 years old and lives in Burgas and works in the culinary field - Chef with 27 years of experience, both in Bulgaria and abroad. He trained in Germany and France and has worked for restaurants in the same places as well as cooked for the Sheikh of Oman.

His disease is hereditary and around his 20th year he was diagnosed with this disease. Throughout the years, he took care of his health by following doctors' recommendations to use special glasses, eye drops, underwent procedures to thin his cornea, remove a cyst from his eye and everything was at his own expense. Unfortunately, this disease has only conservative treatment and with age the vision deteriorates until the person goes completely blind. In the last two years his vision has deteriorated sharply, with a 15% drop in his right eye and a 25% drop in his left eye. We have been looking at corneal transplant options for several months. He's been to clinics in Sofia, went to Turkey, even Germany this past winter, and even worked at a car battery factory so he could get health rights and be approved for a transplant there for free, but it turns out that there is a fee there as well.

We contacted Professor Dr Adem Anil Kubaloglu of the Turkish hospital Dunaguz Hospital, which has a branch in Chorlu and other places. We even got a proforma from them. It is very unfortunate that the amount is unaffordable for him and his family, he is barely financially able to cope with the cost of his supportive care. There will be two surgeries, first one eye and after 3 months the other eye. Turkish clinics are working with American cornea banks. They assured us that a week after the formal exam, the cornea is delivered within days and the surgery is done right away. Recovery is faster with this type of surgery and he will be able to be fully functional within 40 days afterwards. The amount for the transplants is €24,000, the right one will be €12,000 and the left one €12,000. Also after the operations there will be non-supportable costs related to the medicines and going for check-ups, which we have no idea yet what and how much they will cost.

Nasko has not stopped working in spite of his problems. He is currently working in a newly opened restaurant in Sozopol and is under a lot of pressure. With a lot of help from his relatives, he is writing messages and filling out paperwork. When he is under a lot of stress and worry it affects his eyesight - it deteriorates and he also has crises with a lot of pain in his eyes and head. At times he goes into depressive states for fear of going blind and losing the skills to look after himself. We hope with your help we can give him back his hope and give him a chance of a normal and fulfilling life without more pain. I beg you from the bottom of my heart to reach out to Nasko to help him in his battle to save his sight!

I personally took up this cause because he is an extraordinary friend and deserves a chance to recover his sight! I ask you from the bottom of my heart to support him in this battle of his!

My name is Galina Georgieva, and the person in the picture is my very good friend Atanas Marinov, whom I want to introduce to you today. He suffers from latis dystrophy of the cornea, and his only chance of not going blind is a corneal transplant in both eyes. I have known Nasko for almost 15 years and I can boldly say that he is a good and faithful friend who loves his job, family and friends. Since then, and I know he's been battling his illness. I have witnessed his crises during which he cannot sleep from stabbing and severe pain in his eyes, his vision becomes blurred and this affects his full functionality. The strong sun rays are an extreme irritant for his eyes, so he constantly wears sunglasses. He is 45 years old and lives in Burgas and works in the field of Culinary - Chef with 27 years of experience, both in Bulgaria and abroad. He has trained in Germany and France and worked for restaurants in those countries, as he also cooked for the sheikh of Oman.

His illness is hereditary, and around the age of 20 he was diagnosed with this disease. Over the years, he took care of his health, following the doctors' recommendations to use special glasses, eye drops, underwent procedures to thin the cornea, remove a cyst from the eye and everything was at his expense. Unfortunately, this disease has only conservative treatment, and with age, vision deteriorates until the person is completely blind. In the last two years, his eyesight has deteriorated significantly , dropping to 15% in his right eye and 25% on his left eye. We have been looking for corneal transplant options for several months. He has visited clinics in Sofia and Turkey, and even in Germany. Last winter, he went working in a car battery factory in Germany so he would be able to get health rights and be approved for transplantation for free there, but it turned out that he had to pay out of pocket. We contacted Professor Dr. Adem Anil Kubaloglu from the Turkish hospital Dunagüz, which has a branch in Corlu and other places. We even got an offer from them. Unfortunately, the amount is unbearable for him and his family. He barely supports financially the costs of his supportive treatment. The operations will be two, first one eye and after 3 months the other. Turkish clinics work with U.S. corneal banks. We were assured that a week after the official examination, the cornea is delivered within days and the operation is done immediately. Recovery in this type of surgery is fast and the eye will be able to be fully functional within 40 days afterwards. The amount for the transplants is 24,000 euros, the right will be 12,000 euros and the left 12,000 euros. Also, after the surgeries, there will be costs associated with medicines and examination visits that we still have no idea what and how much they will be.

Nasko does has not stopped working despite his problems. He currently works in a newly opened restaurant in Sozopol and is under a lot of pressure given the urgency of his situation and condition. With great help from his relatives, he writes messages and fills out documents. When he is under great stress and worries, it affects his vision - it deteriorates, and in addition, he has crises with a lot of pain in his eyes and head.At times he falls into depressive states because of the fear of going blind and losing the skills to take care of himself. We hope that with your help he will have a chance to have this operation done and live a normal and fulfilling life without anymore pain. I implore you with all my heart to reach out to Nasko to help him in the battle to save his eyesight!

I personally took up this cause because he is an exceptional friend and deserves a chance to restore his eyesight! I ask you with all my heart to support him in this battle!

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Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Превод към дарителската сметка, чрез която ще направим плащане за първата операция на стойност 12 000 ЕВРО. В дарителската сметка има още 12 379 лв. Transfer to the donation account, through which we will make payment for the first operation worth 12 000 EUR. In the donation account there are still...
12000 BGN Montant versé au bénéficiaire
1.2 BGN Frais de transaction
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