Надежда за моя Татко Hope for my Dad

Tratamiento, medicina y rehabilitación 1/5

Надежда за моя Татко Hope for my Dad

1217 Donantes
33489.3 EUR donated from 76694 EUR
Esta campaña se ha llevado a cabo. Siga la sección de Noticias para estar al corriente de las novedades sobre la misma y de las transacciones (si faltan, quiere decir que la campaña aún no ha sido pagada).
камелия райчева
Чавдар Райчев
Fecha límite
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
-0 EUR
камелия райчева organiza una campaña para Чавдар Райчев
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
-0 EUR

* Чавдар Райчев почина на 31.01.2023, винаги ще бъде помнен и обичан. *


Здравейте !

Казвам се Камелия Райчева,а това на снимката е моят татко ,Чавдар Райчев.

Тати е първия мъж,който някога съм обичала и за това ВИ моля,да ми помогнете да го спасим.

Татко ми ходи всяка година на годишни изследвания и отново през пролетта на 2022 година му казват,че е здрав като бик.

Болките започват през Декември и водят до изключителна загуба на апетит и невъзможност за пълноценен сън.

На снимките може да се види как това доведе до загуба на тегло и 6 посещения на Спешното в България.

За съжаление животът ни изправи пред огромна битка - рак на стомаха,с тумор на черния дроб и много разсейки,а необходимите средства за лечението си непосилни за всяко семейство.

Лечението ще бъде проведено в болница Анадолу - Турция.

Моля ви, за всякаква помощ,която да го върне към нормалния му начин на живот - на един баща,съпруг,от изключително скоро и дядо.

Изпращам любов към всички ви!


____ EN

Hello ! My name is Kamelia Raicheva, and the one in the photo is my father, Chavdar Raichev. My Dad is the first man I ever loved and for that I am asking YOU to help me save him. My father goes every year for annual examinations and again in the spring of 2022 he is told that he is as healthy as a bull. The pains start in December and lead to extreme loss of appetite and inability to sleep well. In the pictures you can see how this led to weight loss and 6 visits to the Emergency Room in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, life faced us with a huge battle - stomach cancer, with a liver tumor and many distractions, and the necessary means for treatment were beyond the reach of every family. I am asking for any help to return him to his normal way of life - that of a father, husband, and from recently a grandfather. Sending love to you all! Kamellia

* Chavdar Raichev passed away on 31.01.2023, he will always be remembered and loved. *

Hello !

My name is Kamelia Raicheva,and that's my dad in the picture,Chavdar Raichev.

Daddy is the first man I ever loved and for that I ask YOU to help me save him.

My dad goes for annual checkups every year and again in the spring of 2022 they tell him he is healthy as a bull.

The pain started in December and resulted in extreme loss of appetite and inability to get a full night's sleep.

You can see in the pictures how this has resulted in weight loss and 6 visits to the ER in Bulgaria.

Sadly life has presented us with a huge battle - stomach cancer,with a liver tumour and many dissections,and the funds required for treatment unaffordable for any family.

The treatment will be carried out in Anadolu Hospital - Turkey.

I ask you for any help,which will bring him back to his normal way of life - of a father,husband,and very soon a grandfather.

Sending love to you all!


____ EN

Hello ! My name is Kamelia Raicheva, and the one in the photo is my father, Chavdar Raichev. My Dad is the first man I ever loved and for that I am asking YOU to help me save him. My father goes every year for annual examinations and again in the spring of 2022 he is told that he is as healthy as a bull. The pains start in December and lead to extreme loss of appetite and inability to sleep well. In the pictures you can see how this led to weight loss and 6 visits to the Emergency Room in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, life faced us with a huge battle - stomach cancer, with a liver tumor and many distractions, and the necessary means for treatment were beyond the reach of every family. I am asking for any help to return him to his normal way of life - that of a father, husband, and from recently a grandfather. Sending love to you all! Kamellia

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8º noviembre 2023
камелия райчева organiza una campaña para Чавдар Райчев
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания Надежда за моя Татко към кампания Живот за Ангел. Прехвърлена сума: 9.5лв. Donation from the Hope for My Dad campaign to the Life for Angel campaign. Amount transferred.
27º febrero 2023
камелия райчева organiza una campaña para Чавдар Райчев
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания Надежда за моя Татко към кампания Да помогнем на Били. Прехвърлена сума: 708.22лв. Donation of funds from the Hope for my Dad campaign to the Let's Help Billy campaign. Amount transferred.
17º febrero 2023
камелия райчева organiza una campaña para Чавдар Райчев
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания Надежда за моя Татко към кампания Да помогнем на Георги в борбата с рака. Прехвърлена сума: 389.78лв. Donation from the Hope for My Dad campaign to the Let's Help George Fight Cancer campaign. Amount transferred.
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Reglas estrictas para el pago de los fondos donados

La plataforma PavelAndreev.ORG tiene reglas claramente definidas para el pago de fondos donados para las campañas médicas. Ellos garantizan que todos los fondos se utilizarán para la consecución del objetivo - para el tratamiento y los gastos acompañantes. Todos los documentos en los que se ha efectuado un pago están visibles en la sección de Noticias.


6 maneras fáciles de hacer su donación - tarjeta, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

Informe de revisión

En la sección de Noticias encontrará información de los promotores (iniciadores) de las campañas.

Plataforma de confianza

PavelAndreev.ORG es la plataforma más segura para organizar su próxima campaña.