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Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person
14th March 2024

Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person

Social funerals: organising a crowdfunding campaign for the funeral of a socially disadvantaged person 1.Socially disadvantaged people and social fun...

Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for pet burial
18th March 2024
Organizing a crowdfunding campaign for pet burial

Burying a pet is a difficult time for any owner. It's a time when a loyal four-legged friend should be sent off with dignity and respect. Whether it's the funeral of a dog, cat or other pet, every owner wants to ensure a proper final farewell. In this context, organizing a pet burial crowdfunding campaign can be one way for the community to support pet owners in their difficult times. 1.Where and how to bury your pet Choosing a place to bury pe...

Articles - Organizing a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about throat cancer
15th April 2024
Organizing a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness about throat cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, both in Europe and worldwide. There are over 100 types of cancer, manifesting in different parts of the body. One of the most common types is throat cancer. Its symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions, making it more difficult to detect the disease at an early stage when the chances of overcoming it are greater. Throat cancer Throat cancer is a type of cancer of the head and neck. The...

Articles - Fighting throat cancer in children - treatment costs, overseas fund and everything you need to know
16th April 2024
Fighting throat cancer in children - treatment costs, overseas fund and everything you need to know

Throat cancer in children Laryngeal cancer (also known as laryngeal carcinoma, laryngeal tumor, laryngeal tumor) is cancer of the throat. It is one of the most common malignant tumors in the neck. It is usually a squamous cell carcinoma. Throat cancer in children is a rare disease that proves to be a significant medical and psychosocial challenge. Despite its low incidence, its early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to i...

Articles - Breast cancer in men and women. 5 ideas on how everyone can help
17th April 2024

Breast cancer in men and women. 5 ideas on how everyone can help

Breast cancer Breast cancer is the most common form of tumour formation in women and the second leading cause of death from malignant cancer, after lung cancer. The disease is triggered when certain cells in the mammary gland acquire mutations and begin to multiply uncontrollably, forming a tumor. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women is diagnosed with this disease. And, although breast cancer is not only the prerogative of the fair half of humanit...

Articles - How to make a successful donation campaign to support people with bladder cancer?
23rd May 2024

How to make a successful donation campaign to support people with bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Europe, affecting more than 200,000 people a year. Despite these alarming statistics, there has been significant progress in developing effective treatments for this cancer. Cancer treatments are associated with significant costs that are often prohibitive for patients and their families. Bladder cancer is no exception. Because of the high cost of medical procedures, concomitant therapies, hospit...