online platform for donations PavelAndreev.ORG

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Articles - What are the main forms of autism and how to recognize them?
26th March 2024

What are the main forms of autism and how to recognize them?

Difficulties in social relationships, ineffective verbal or non-verbal communication and behavioural problems are the main things we think of when we...

Articles - How to raise funds for a new orphanage roof
28th March 2024
How to raise funds for a new orphanage roof

"From the roof you can see all the beauty of the stars, but not from the window. Makes you wonder why people don't live on rooftops," says our favourite children's character Carlsson, who lives on the roof. How beautifully Astrid Lindgren wrote it. And imagine with how much awe little children would look at the stars, and how many such beautiful stories they can read when they have a roof over their heads - both literally and figuratively. Sadl...

Articles - What is mental burnout and how to deal with it?
26th June 2024
What is mental burnout and how to deal with it?

Mental burnout is a global problem that affects millions of people around the world. A 2020 study by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) shows that 23% of workers are at risk of burnout. In Japan, the phenomenon of 'karoshi' (death from overwork) highlights the seriousness of the problem of mental burnout, with many deaths linked to excessive stress at work. According to the World Health Organ...

Articles - What are serious mental illnesses and how to help people who suffer from them
28th June 2024
What are serious mental illnesses and how to help people who suffer from them

Most people think that the leading diseases worldwide are cancer or cardiovascular disease. Turns out, it's neither. In fact, the most prevalent diseases are mental ones. Many of them begin to manifest in early childhood. Among the reasons for underestimating the first signs of mental illness is a lack of knowledge about the characteristic symptoms of these mental illnesses. Early signs such as mood swings, difficulty concentrating, feelings of...

Articles - Living with bipolar disorder. What are the support options?
5th August 2024

Living with bipolar disorder. What are the support options?

There is a group of diseases that are characterized by abrupt and periodic changes in mood, passing from profound depression to extreme elation. These affective disorders may include manic states characterised by exaggerated mood, hyperactivity, rapid speech and high self-esteem. Depressive states, on the other hand, are manifested by deep sadness, lack of interest in life, trouble sleeping, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Often these st...