fundraising platform PavelAndreev.ORG

Organizing a charity fundraising campaign through fundraising platform PavelAndreev.ORG

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Articles - 7 campaign ideas to support organisations working to help people suffering from panic attacks
7th May 2024

7 campaign ideas to support organisations working to help people suffering from panic attacks

In today's world, and especially after the pandemic years, panics are affecting more and more people. At least one in five people has experienced that...

Articles - 8 ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with generalised anxiety disorder
24th June 2024
8 ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with generalised anxiety disorder

All of us experience intense anxiety at certain times in our lives. This is a normal reaction to stress and can be helpful in helping us cope with the challenges of everyday life. However, how do we know when this anxiety crosses boundaries and becomes a diagnosis? Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common mental condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Living in constant anxiety not only drains a person emotionally, but can also...

Articles - Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.
25th June 2024
Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.

Mental health means that a person is in a state of good mental and emotional well-being that allows them to lead a full and active life. This includes the ability to cope with stress, maintain healthy interpersonal relationships and successfully overcome life's challenges. The importance of mental health extends beyond the individual characteristics of each of us and affects society as a whole. When people are mentally healthy, they are better a...

Articles - The best ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with mental health conditions
3rd July 2024
The best ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with mental health conditions

Mental health problems affect millions of people around the world, regardless of their age, gender or social status. They include a wide range of conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and many others. These problems can seriously affect the daily lives of people who suffer from them. They can cause difficulties in interpersonal interactions, create problems in the workplace and reduce overall quality of life .Alt...

Articles - The best fundraising guide for food banks
22nd July 2024

The best fundraising guide for food banks

Food banks have a significant role to play in the fight against hunger. They are an integral part of the global movement to tackle hunger and ensure access to food for all, serving as a bridge that connects surplus food resources and people who need food. By effectively managing surplus food resources and building strong networks of partnerships, they help alleviate suffering and promote a more just society. As food security challenges persist, f...

Articles - Anxiously disordered when undressed: How do we cope with it
31st July 2024

Anxiously disordered when undressed: How do we cope with it

Anxiety is a natural human response to stress and threat, manifested through feelings of worry, fear and apprehension. It plays a vital role in our survival, as without it we would not be able to respond appropriately when faced with danger. However, anxiety becomes a disorder when it persists for more than four weeks and begins to interfere with our daily activities and relationships with others. Studies show that about 7% of the population suf...