
Charity campaign for a family in the platform for organizing online charity campaigns PavelAndreev.ORG

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Articles - How can crowdfunding help you cover your university costs?
13th December 2020

How can crowdfunding help you cover your university costs?

Even before sending their children to study, parents in Bulgaria have spent between 5,000 and 20,000 leva on tutoring and preparing the young to apply...

Articles - Why should you volunteer abroad?What are the costs?
17th December 2020
Why should you volunteer abroad?What are the costs?

Deciding to volunteer abroad is a big step and it's understandable to be hesitant or even afraid. However, volunteering abroad comes with its advantages - the most obvious being the opportunity to travel and experience a foreign culture. Reasons why people volunteer abroad You gain a new perspective Doing charity work abroad is the perfect way to get to know a foreign country and people. The experience you will gain during your trip...

Articles - What do you need to know about medical bankruptcies?Treatment costs.
17th December 2020
What do you need to know about medical bankruptcies?Treatment costs.

For families or individuals who do not have health or dental insurance, a simple visit to the doctor or urgent care can cost thousands of leva. And for those living paycheck to paycheck, expenses like these can be disastrous. Even those who have insurance have to pay extra. From negotiating lower payments to using crowdfunding, this article offers seven tips on how to avoid "medical bankruptcy" and how to manage your medical expenses. Treatment...

Articles - Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful
25th April 2023
Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful

The success of a donation campaign depends on many factors. One of them is the right choice of partner. In the face of thePavel Andreev Foundation, you should be sure that you have an extremely serious and responsible partner by your side, who will give you full support in every situation. You can turn for help or assistance to the team behind the platform at any time. Don't be embarrassed by anything and ask about anything that interests you. T...

Articles - Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG
7th May 2023

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG

When you see a person in trouble, what is the most natural reaction in your opinion in that situation? To help him? Have you been involved in campaigns to help victims of natural disasters or other household misfortunes? Or maybe you're asking yourself, "How do we help homeless people?" Then why not choose to create a charity campaign? The feeling of satisfaction you get from helping someone get back on their feet when they needed help the most...

Articles - What do we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages?
11th May 2023

What do we need to know when we want to donate to orphanages?

Every child deserves the best start in life: a happy home, a safe place to play and access to quality education, medical care and healthy nutrition. Yet many children in Bulgaria, and around the world, live in extreme poverty. For them, many simple daily needs and rights are out of reach. Their lives are incredibly difficult, they are often illiterate and face many risks, such as disease, child labour, persistent poverty and even death. Organisin...