art, culture and society

Charity campaign for art, culture and society in the platform for organizing online charity campaigns PavelAndreev.ORG

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Articles - Financial help for teachers: How to raise money for our class teacher's needs?
10th January 2021

Financial help for teachers: How to raise money for our class teacher's needs?

It will be great when our schools have all the resources they need to fully support teachers. But all too often, teachers these days have to overcome...

Articles - What is the approximate cost of publishing a book?
4th May 2021
What is the approximate cost of publishing a book?

If your main goal is simply to get your book printed, using free self-publishing platforms may be the right decision. The writing itself is the biggest reward for many people, and getting published may be just a formality. However, if you want to sell your book and reach a wide audience, you need to invest in professional services.Without them, it's hard to compete with traditionally published books. Factors such as professional editing, cover gr...

Articles - How you can use charity fundraising (crowdfunding) for natural disasters
17th May 2021
How you can use charity fundraising (crowdfunding) for natural disasters

Natural disasters have the power to destroy landscapes and displace entire communities overnight, forcing people to start building their lives from scratch. Recovering from natural disasters can be difficult, but charitable fundraising (crowdfunding) for natural disasters has emerged as a powerful tool for collecting disaster relief donations and helping people get back on their feet. Find out how you can get help or help the community affected b...

Articles - Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful
25th April 2023
Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful

The success of a donation campaign depends on many factors. One of them is the right choice of partner. In the face of thePavel Andreev Foundation, you should be sure that you have an extremely serious and responsible partner by your side, who will give you full support in every situation. You can turn for help or assistance to the team behind the platform at any time. Don't be embarrassed by anything and ask about anything that interests you. T...

Articles - Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG
7th May 2023

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the activity of PavelAndreev.ORG

When you see a person in trouble, what is the most natural reaction in your opinion in that situation? To help him? Have you been involved in campaigns to help victims of natural disasters or other household misfortunes? Or maybe you're asking yourself, "How do we help homeless people?" Then why not choose to create a charity campaign? The feeling of satisfaction you get from helping someone get back on their feet when they needed help the most...

Articles - Why we need to donate to art, sport and culture
13th September 2023

Why we need to donate to art, sport and culture

Art is that part of culture through which various ideas and values inherent in any society are transmitted. The main difference between the different types of art is that there is no "right" and "wrong", "true" and "false". In the field of art, each artist or his admirers have their own opinion and their own point of view about what they see in a painting, in a sculpture or in another kind of work. This is the reason why they may appeal to someon...