
Organizing a charity campaign to raise funds to deal with anxiety through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform 


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Articles - Anxiety: by what do we recognize it and how to help
3rd April 2024

Anxiety: by what do we recognize it and how to help

Experiencing mild anxiety is accepted as part of our lives as we face different challenges on a daily basis. However, when the levels of this anxiety...

Articles - Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.
25th June 2024
Do you have an urgent financial need to support someone with a mental illness? Crowdfunding campaign is your solution.

Mental health means that a person is in a state of good mental and emotional well-being that allows them to lead a full and active life. This includes the ability to cope with stress, maintain healthy interpersonal relationships and successfully overcome life's challenges. The importance of mental health extends beyond the individual characteristics of each of us and affects society as a whole. When people are mentally healthy, they are better a...