Симона срещу тумора в гръбначния мозък Simone against the spinal cord tumor

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
603 Donors
14336.19 EUR donated from 30678 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Симона Тозлукова
Симона Тозлукова
End date
Available amount
5716.75 EUR
Симона Тозлукова organizes a campaign for Симона Тозлукова
Available amount
5716.75 EUR

Година след операцията One year after surgery

3rd September 2024

Здравейте,мили хора!

Дълго време не сме писали и е време да споделя какво се случва със Симонка. Мина малко повече от година откакто направихме операцията в Италия. Оттогава, досега, Симона е в реанимацията на бургаска болница. Благодарение на всекидневната рехабилитация, която прави, вече има движение на крачета и ръчички. Все още, обаче, няма самостоятелно дишане. Прикована е към машината, затова и е нужно да живеем повече от година в болницата. Извинете ни,че не сме писали скоро. Просто ми се искаше следващата качена новина да бъде как вече сме си вкъщи, за жалост обаче този момент все още не е настъпил. Не сме се отчаяли, не го правете и вие. Симона е борбена и продължава своята битка все така неуморно. Вярвам,че скоро ще публикувам и по-хубава новина. Още веднъж благодарим за помощта ви ! Бъдете здрави!

Hello, dear people!

It's been a long time since we wrote and it's time to share what's going on with Simone. It's been a little over a year since we did the surgery in Italy. Since then, Simona has been in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Burgas. Thanks to the daily rehabilitation she does, she now has movement in her legs and arms. However, she still has no independent breathing. She is confined to a machine, which is why she has to live in the hospital for more than a year. Excuse us,for not writing soon. I just wish the next uploaded news would be how we are home now, unfortunately though that moment has not come yet. We haven't given up hope, don't do it either. Simone is a fighter and continues her battle ever so tirelessly. I believe I will post better news soon. Thanks again for your help ! Be well!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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