Надежда за Калин Hope for Kalin

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
117 Donors
14794.78 EUR donated from 51129 EUR
Калин Георгиев
Калин Георгиев
End date
Ends in 19 days
Available amount
79.85 EUR
Калин Георгиев organizes a campaign for Калин Георгиев
Ends in 19 days
Available amount
79.85 EUR

Имам нужда от вашата подкрепа I need your support

25th July 2024

Здравей добри хора.

На 13 Май 2024, получих рецидив на болестта. Веднага ми започнаха лечение в Турция. Първо минах тежка химиотерапия, като резултат след нея, раковите клетки в костния мозък бяха свалени до 6%. Последвалото лечение се състои от 6 последователни имунотерпии.

Всяка имунотерапия представлява 14 дни вливки в болницата. Всеки месец се прави една. Като цената на това лечение е 90 000 Евро.

Знам че има много нуждаещи се от помощ. Че животът в момента не лесен за никой. Но всяка помощ ще е много ценна за мен. И много благодаря на всички вас за добрината и помоща която показвате на всички нуждаещи се. Благодаря ви много от сърце!

Hello good people.

On 13 May 2024, I got a relapse of the disease. I was immediately started on treatment in Turkey. First I underwent heavy chemotherapy, as a result after it, the cancer cells in my bone marrow were down to 6%. The subsequent treatment consisted of 6 consecutive immunotherapies.

Each immunotherapy was 14 days of infusions in the hospital. One is done every month. The cost of this treatment is 90,000 Euros.

I know there are many in need of help. That life at the moment is not easy for anyone. But any help would be very valuable for me. And thank you all very much for the kindness and help you show to all those in need. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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