Да спасим живота на Алекс Save Alex's life

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
3791 Donors
108705.22 EUR donated from 102258 EUR
Емилия Николова
Александра Георгиева Николова
End date
Ends in 34 days
Available amount
21472.69 EUR
Емилия Николова organizes a campaign for Александра Георгиева Николова
Ends in 34 days
Available amount
21472.69 EUR

Лечението на Айси продължава Icy's treatment continues

11th March 2025

Здравейте, приятели! Поредната оперативна интервенция на Айси мина успешно! Вече си е в къщи и се възстановява. След месец продължаваме с лечението и процедурите, а дотогава е на лекарства, които пие стриктно. Благодаря Ви от сърце , за подкрепата и помощта, която ни оказвате! Бъдете здрави! Доброто винаги се връща! 

Hello, friends! Another surgical intervention of Icy went successfully! She is now home and recovering. In a month we will continue with the treatment and procedures, and until then she is on medication, which she is drinking strictly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart , for your support and help! Be well! The good always comes back!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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