Articles - How to run a fundraising campaign for sleeping bags and blankets for homeless people
15th May 2024

How to run a fundraising campaign for sleeping bags and blankets for homeless people

"When a man is poor, at least he thinks that mangoes can fix everything. But when you're rich, you can't tell yourself that another sports car and a p...

Articles - How to organize a donation campaign for the treatment of homeless people
14th May 2024
How to organize a donation campaign for the treatment of homeless people

The needs of homeless people are multiple, complex and their voices are often not heard. They are invisible to society. These people suffer from multiple problems related to homelessness, physical insecurity, lack of identity documents, health problems, poor education, inaccessibility to the labour market. It is not known how many people are sleeping on the streets of every major city in the world, how many are elderly, how many are sick and suf...

Articles - How to start a charity campaign to overcome the consequences of an earthquake through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?
13th May 2024
How to start a charity campaign to overcome the consequences of an earthquake through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform?

Earthquakes happen more often than we think and feel. To the average person who is not interested in this topic, this may sound strange, but it is a fact. Almost every day, somewhere in the world, there are ones that are recorded by various professional institutes. Some we feel them, some we don't, but their registration proves that it is happening. When the earth's surface shakes, due to the displacement of part of the earth's crust and the sud...

Articles - How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?
10th May 2024
How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?

Crowdfunding, or in direct translation from English crowdfunding, is a method of raising funds from different people, whether they are acquaintances or not. Generally speaking, it is a powerful tool that allows people to come together and support a project, cause or person. Anyone can participate as a donor, and the size of the donation is irrelevant. An online platform is used to raise funds, which makes the process much easier, and the crowdfun...

Articles - Regular donation and fund for the treatment of children
9th May 2024

Regular donation and fund for the treatment of children

Regular giving is one way we can help those who need support. It's a way to make the world a better place and contribute to the well-being of others. What is regular giving? It's a practice where a person regularly donates to an organization, fund or campaign. This form of giving is very important because it allows charities to plan their activities and provide more sustainable support to those in need. Why is regular giving important? Firstl...

Articles - 7 campaign ideas to support organisations working to help people suffering from panic attacks
7th May 2024

7 campaign ideas to support organisations working to help people suffering from panic attacks

In today's world, and especially after the pandemic years, panics are affecting more and more people. At least one in five people has experienced that sudden attack of intense fear in which they feel they are losing control of their body and even think they are having a heart attack. Many people have only one or two panic attacks in their lifetime and the problem goes away after the stressful situation they are in is over. But in most cases they...

Fund for treatment of children abroad - Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the campaign: Georgi Georgiev Galabov
4th May 2024

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the campaign: Georgi Georgiev Galabov

Donation from the Children's Treatment Fund to the campaign: Georgi Georgiev Galabov. Amount transferred: 45000lv.

Articles - Why and how should we financially support pancreatic cancer research centres?
2nd May 2024

Why and how should we financially support pancreatic cancer research centres?

Cancer of the pancreas The pancreas is a large gland that produces digestive juices and hormones. It is located behind the lower part of the stomach and the enzymes it creates help digest food and the hormones help manage blood sugar. The pancreas, like most organs in her human body, can form tumors. A major problem in fighting the disease is the lack of screening tests to detect it at an early stage. Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include...

Articles - What is a crowdfunding platform and why it's important that more people support charities working to help people with pancreatic cancer
30th April 2024

What is a crowdfunding platform and why it's important that more people support charities working to help people with pancreatic cancer

What is a crowdfunding platform A crowdfunding platform is a crowdfunding platform where ideas find ground and grow thanks to the community. The essence of this type of platform is the collection of funds from many people who support a variety of charitable causes. The History of Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is nothing new. Its history can be traced back to the 18th century, when books were published whose role was to support future readers thro...

Articles - How do we fund treatment for a loved one with lung cancer?
29th April 2024

How do we fund treatment for a loved one with lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a serious disease that requires immediate and effective treatment. Untimely treatment often proves to be a major cause of the fatal outcome of the disease. When a loved one is affected by this type of cancer, the most important thing to do is to provide them with the help and support they need. One of the biggest challenges that many face in this case is financing treatment. Once we receive the diagnosis of lung cancer for our lov...

Articles - How to finance an in vitro procedure
24th April 2024

How to finance an in vitro procedure

Financing IVF procedures can be a serious challenge for many couples. This medical procedure is used to help women who are having trouble conceiving. In vitro procedures give many couples a chance to realize their dream of having a family, but financing such a procedure can be really expensive. Since the IVF procedure is not included in health insurance coverage, those who wish to have it must pay for it themselves. This fact can make IVF proced...

Articles - What are the support options for people with lung cancer
23rd April 2024

What are the support options for people with lung cancer

Lung cancer is a serious disease that requires not only medical treatment, but also significant support from the whole society. Despite significant medical advances, lung cancer continues to be a challenge that many people around the world must deal with. In our desire to help people who are battling this insidious disease, we are providing information on the various ways in which we can provide support to people who are suffering from lung canc...