Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 0/0
593 Spender:innen
28176.11 EUR gespendet aus 160000 EUR
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
Ende in 19 Tagen
Disponible Summe
6745.28 EUR
Rosica Marinkova organisiert Kampagne für Величка Иванова Маринкова
Ende in 19 Tagen
Disponible Summe
6745.28 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

28. März 2024
Добро утро на всички! Искам първо да благодря на всички отзовали се, както и на всички хора, които прадължават да споделят страницата за набиране на средства за Вили. Към момента сме в болница Anadolu Johns Hopkins. Вили е в добро общо състояние към момента. Взеха и кръв. Предстои и 5 скенер, ядрено магнитен резонанс, генетичен тест, консултация с онкалог и планиране на лечението. Благодаря Ви отново и бъдете здрави Further imaging studies, such as PET-CT, to complete the staging of the disease will be done. 1300 EUR A pathology consultation for biopsy material ( 800 EUR blocks/slides) for molecular genetic analysis ( PDL-1, BRCA ) – 2500 EUR Radiology consultation for recent images will be planned.za 1 zona 200 eur e novo razchtane Multidisciplinary assessment in medical oncology, and radiation oncology will be planned. 600 eur Previous medical treatment will be reviewed. A new brain MRI will be performed to check for metastases. 450 eur blood Test 400 eur Good morning everyone, I want to first thank everyone who responded and all the people who keep sharing the fundraising page for Willy. We are currently at Anadolu Johns Hopkins Hospital. Willie is in good general condition at this time. They also took blood. We also have 5 scans, an MRI, genetic testing, a consultation with an oncologist and treatment planning. Thank you again and stay healthy Further imaging studies, such as PET-CT, to complete the staging of the disease will be done. 1300 EUR A pathology consultation for biopsy material ( 800 EUR blocks/slides) for molecular genetic analysis ( PDL-1, BRCA ) - 2500 EUR Radiology consultation for recent images will be planned.za 1 zona 200 eur e novo razchtane Multidisciplinary assessment in medical oncology, and radiation oncology will be planned. 600 eur Previous medical treatment will be reviewed. A new brain MRI will be performed to check for metastases. 450 eur blood Test 400 eur
Dokumente Insgesamt: 1 das Dokument
9800 BGN Zahlung auf Rechnung
40 BGN Transaktionsgebühr

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