Списание ЗВУК и малък концерт в Благоевград ZVUK Magazine and a small concert in Blagoevgrad

Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft 0/0
22 Spender:innen
467.8 EUR gespendet aus 378 EUR
Diese Kampagne hat geendet. Verfolgen Sie den Bereich, um über sie und die Transaktionen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben (falls die Transaktionen fehlen, heißt das, dass die Kampagne noch nicht bezahlt wurde).
Disponible Summe
Моника Бояджиева ist der/die Organisator:in der Kapmagne
Disponible Summe

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

3. Mai 2023
ENGLISH BELOW Концерта е зад ъгъла, този петък, и дойде момента, в който вашата помощ ще бъде от полза. Изтеглената сума ще покрие следните разходи: транспорт и настаняване на групата - 150лв храна и напитки - 300лв озвучаване +/- 100лв (промяната в цената настъпи след промени в плана за оборудване, което ще се използва) Останалата сума от около 364лв ще бъде използвана да покрие принтирането на рекламни материали (около 50лв) и ще бъде дарена на групата, тъй като те се съгласиха да изпълняват безвъзмездно, но смятам, че изкуството трябва да се подкрепя и чрез Вас успях да събера повече от нужната сума пари, които ще помогнат на тях да продължават да радват публиката си. The concert is right around the corner (this Friday) and the moment when your help will matter the most has arrived. The amount of 914BGN will be used as follows: Transportation and accommodation of the band - 150 BGN Food and beverages - 300 BGN Sound system +/- 100 BGN (changes in the price occurred after change of plans in the type of equipment) The leftover +/- 364 BGN will be used to cover the printing cost of promotional materials and the unused amount will be donated to the band The Gentlemen. They originally agreed to play for free but I believe art should be respected and rewarded. Thanks to you the fund exceeded the goal and I'd like for them to have it, even if just symbolically so they continue to create great music. ENGLISH BELOW The concert is just around the corner this Friday, and the time has come when your help will be useful. The amount raised will cover the following expenses: transport and accommodation for the band - 150lv food and drinks - 300lv sound +/- 100lv (the change in price comes after changes in the plan for the equipment to be used) The remaining amount of about 364lv will be used to cover the printing of promotional materials (about 50lv) and will be donated to the band, as they have agreed to perform free of charge, but I feel the arts should be supported and through you I have been able to raise more than the required amount of money to help them continue to delight their audiences. The concert is right around the corner (this Friday) and the moment when your help will matter the most has arrived. The amount of 914BGN will be used as follows: Transportation and accommodation of the band - 150 BGN Food and beverages - 300 BGN Sound system +/- 100 BGN (changes in the price occurred after change of plans in the type of equipment) The leftover +/- 364 BGN will be used to cover the printing cost of promotional materials and the unused amount will be donated to the band The Gentlemen. They originally agreed to play for free but I believe art should be respected and rewarded. Thanks to you the fund exceeded the goal and I'd like for them to have it, even if just symbolically so they continue to create great music.
913.73 BGN Ausgezahlte Summe an den Benefizienten
1.2 BGN Transaktinsgebühr

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