Пълноценен живот за Ирене A full life for Irene

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 1/1

Пълноценен живот за Ирене A full life for Irene

16 Spender:innen
486.7 EUR gespendet aus 3068 EUR
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Вера Андрова
Ирене Пезаро
Disponible Summe
-0 EUR
Вера Андрова organisiert Kampagne für Ирене Пезаро
Disponible Summe
-0 EUR

Здравейте Приятели,

Ирене е с диагноза ДЦП, едно щастливо и изпълнено с радост дете.

Вече минахме две операции :Селективна Дорзална Ризотомия и Удължаване на скъсено Ахилесово сухожилие,които се проведоха в САЩ.

Не мина никак леко,но за сметка на това тя се подобри значително и ни показа за пореден път колко е смела и борбена. Даде ни кураж да не спираме да търсим начини да и помогнем за да бъде един пълноценен и самостоятелен човек,защото вярваме че ще има шанс да го постигне !

На Ирене предстои трета под ред операция ,която ще се проведе  на 25.10.2022 в St.Mary's Medical Center,901 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407.(САЩ)

Операцията е на тазобедрена става :Остеотомия на Пембъртън,след което ще бъде гипсирана и на легло за 6 седмици.

Не ни достигат  средства за следоперативна рехабилитация.

След толкова дълго обездвижване ,рехабилитацията е изключително важна,затова разчитам на Вашата помощ.

Благодаря Ви  и бъдете здрави!!!


Fulfilling  life for Irene

Hello friends,

Irene, a happy and joyful child, is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

We have already undergone two surgeries: Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy and Lengthening of a shortened Achilles tendon, which took place in the USA.

Although it wasn't easy at all she improved significantly and showed us once again how brave and determined she is. This gave us the courage to keep looking for ways to help her to be a contented and independent person. We believe that she will have a chance to achieve it!

Irene will have a third operation in a row, which will take place on 25.10.2022 at St. Mary's Medical Center, 901 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407, (USA).

This one is a surgery on the hip joint: Pemberton osteotomy, after which she will be cast and bedridden for 6 weeks.

We don't have enough funds for post-operative rehabilitation.

After being immobilized for so long, rehabilitation is extremely important.That's why I count on your help.

Thank you and stay healthy!!!

Hello Friends,

Irene is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a happy and full of joy child.

We have already had two surgeries :Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy and Shortened Achilles tendon lengthening,which took place in the USA.

It didn't go easy,but instead she improved greatly and showed us once again how brave and fighting she is. She gave us courage to keep looking for ways to help her to be a complete and independent person,because we believe she will have a chance to achieve it !

Irene will have her third surgery on October 25, 2022 at St. Mary's Medical Center, 901 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (USA).

Surgery is on the hip joint :Pemberton osteotomy,then she will be casted and bedridden for 6 weeks.

We are short of funds for post operative rehabilitation.

After so long immobilization , rehabilitation is extremely important , so I rely on your help.

Thank you and be healthy!!!


Fulfilling life for Irene

Hello friends,

Irene, a happy and joyful child, is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

We have already undergone two surgeries: Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy and Lengthening of a shortened Achilles tendon, which took place in the USA.

Although it wasn't easy at all she improved significantly and showed us once again how brave and determined she is. This gave us the courage to keep looking for ways to help her to be a contented and independent person. We believe that she will have a chance to achieve it!

Irene will have a third operation in a row, which will take place on 25.10.2022 at St. Mary's Medical Center, 901 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407, (USA).

This one is a surgery on the hip joint: Pemberton osteotomy, after which she will be cast and bedridden for 6 weeks.

We don't have enough funds for post-operative rehabilitation.

After being immobilized for so long, rehabilitation is extremely important.That's why I count on your help.

Thank you and stay healthy!!!

Mehr sehen
5. April 2023
Вера Андрова organisiert Kampagne für Ирене Пезаро
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания Пълноценен живот за Ирене към кампания Живот за Мишо. Прехвърлена сума: 39.83лв. Donation of funds from Full Life for Irene campaign to Life for Michaud campaign. Amount transferred.
13. Oktober 2022
Вера Андрова organisiert Kampagne für Ирене Пезаро
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Скъпи приятели, искам да благодаря на всички за подкрепата! Заминаваме идната седмица за операция . Бъдете здрави Dear friends, I would like to thank everyone for your support!
911.91 BGN Zahlung auf Rechnung
40 BGN Transaktionsgebühr
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