mugenyi football club mugenyi football club

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mugenyi football club mugenyi football club

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Spenden Sie als Erster! Ziel: 5000 EUR
Brian regit
Ende in 33 Tagen
Disponible Summe
Brian regit ist der/die Organisator:in der Kampagne
Ende in 33 Tagen
Disponible Summe

We are growing a young football club called mugenyi fc..we are facing crucial financial problems especially now it's holiday we have to facilitate many things as we have many matches..the football team is formed by young high school boys..who are on holiday and really talented..

We are growing a young football club called mugenyi fc..we are facing crucial financial problems especially now it's holiday we have to facilitate many things as we have many matches..the football team is formed by young high school boys..who are on holiday and really talented..

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