Заедно за Кирил Together for Cyril

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
453 Donors
43472.79 EUR donated from 48061 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Кирил Киров
End date
Available amount
-0 EUR
Кирил Киров is the organiser of the campaign
Available amount
-0 EUR

Спешна нужда Urgent need

28th October 2024

Здравейте добри хора 🙏🏻

Моля ви да ми помогнете да довърша лечението си 🙏🏻 След година и девет месец борба, няколко операции, химиотерапии, имунотерапии, лъчетерапии... аз съм в ремисия. 
Жив съм и дори на 61 години успях да преборя коварния рак. Не беше лесно, а и продължава да не е, заради последиците, но ми се ЖИВЕЕ🍀 Искам да бъда до децата си, искам да бъда до внуците си, искам да докажа, че всичко което им причиних си е струвало 💕 
Благодарение на Фондацията на Павел Андреев, на Вас и на семейството ми, което затъна в кредити успях да стигна до тук 🙏🏻

Остават ми обаче още две имунотерапии, а средства вече нямам 😢 Никоя банка не ни дава вече кредити, никакви пари не ни останаха... Остава ми само надежата, че ще стигна до вече хора и ще ми помогнат 🙏🏻

Зная, че има много деца в нужда, много млади хора, но аз имам още живот и не искам да се отказвам 🙏🏻 Моля ви поногнете ми 🙏🏻 

Моля ви бъдете с мен и в края на всичко ❤️

Hello good people 🙏🏻

Please help me finish my treatment 🙏🏻 After a year and nine months of fighting, several surgeries, chemo, immunotherapy, radiation... I am in remission.
I am alive and even at 61 years old I have managed to beat the insidious cancer. It wasn't easy, and it still isn't because of the effects, but I want to LIVE🍀 I want to be by my children's side, I want to be by my grandchildren's side, I want to prove to them that everything I caused them was worth it 💕
Thanks to the Pavel Andreev Foundation, to you and to my family that was stuck in credit I managed to get here 🙏🏻

However, I still have two more immunotherapies left and I don't have any more money 😢 No bank gives us loans anymore, we don't have any money left... I only have the hope that I will reach people and they will help me 🙏🏻

I know there are a lot of children in need, a lot of young people, but I have more life and I don't want to give up 🙏🏻 Please help me 🙏🏻

Please be with me and at the end of it all ❤️

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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