Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака Together with VILI in the fight against cancer

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
535 Donors
21430.83 EUR donated from 135000 EUR
Rosica Marinkova
Величка Иванова Маринкова
End date
Ends in 41 days
Available amount
Rosica Marinkova organizes a campaign for Величка Иванова Маринкова
Ends in 41 days
Available amount

Христос Воскресе! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

5th May 2024

Христос Воскресе! Много здраве, любов, смиреност и късмет! Светли Великденски празници на всички! Изчаках много, но знаех че това обръщение трябва да бъде написано. С настъпването на този светъл празник искам да използвам възможността да изкажа личната си и на семеството ми благодарност към всички Вас, които не останахте безразлични! Проявихте съпричастност и ни подкрепихте в усилията ни за набиране на средства за лечението на Вили, моята сестра! Вашата подкрепа означава много! Върна надеждата, че отново всичко да бъде наред.

Последваха множество инициативи, организарани от познати и непознати за нас хора, органицации, частни лица, местните кметства и общината. Бяха организирани и продължават да се организират много благотворителни мероприятия за набиране на средства под наслов "Заедно с ВИЛИ в борбата с рака". След всяка инициатива сме изразявали нашата признателност към организаторите и участниците и към Вас дарителите, и сега още веднъж бих искала да БЛАГОДАРИМ на всички ВАС за проявената съпричастност! Организирането на всяка една дарителска инициатива е трудно, но Вие не се отказвате! Гордея се да бъда част от такова общество, в което в хората се подкрепят в най трудните моменти. Получихме подкрепа от също толкова невероятни хора извън територията на страната - мои приятели, колеги, познати и непознати хора! БЛАГОДАРЯ ВИ!

Кампанията по набиране на средства продължава! А ние продължаваме напред благодарение на всички ВАС и все повече разбираме, че когато избереш Вярата и Надеждата всичко е възможно! Вярата е вътре в нас, а надеждата - тя е дар, който можем да даваме един на друг! БЛАГОДАРИМ ЛИЧНО НА ВСЕКИ ЕДИН ОТ ВАС, КОЙТО ПО ЕДИН ИЛИ ДРУГ НАЧИН СЕ Е АНГАЖИРАЛ И ПРОДЪЛЖАВА ДА СЕ АНГАЖИРА С ТЕЗИ ИНИЦИАТИВИ! И не на последно място бих искала да благодаря на моето семейство и на ВИЛИ - за силата и, желанието и за борба и вярата и! Светли празници и бъдете здрави и благословени!


Christ is risen! Lots of health, love, humility and luck! Happy Easter everyone! I waited a long time, but I knew that this address had to be written. With the advent of this bright holiday, I want to use the opportunity to express my personal and my family's gratitude to all of you who did not remain indifferent! You showed empathy and supported us in our efforts to raise funds for the treatment of Villi, my sister! Your support means a lot! It brought back hope that everything would be okay again. Numerous initiatives followed, organized by known and unknown people, organizations, private individuals, local town halls and the municipality. Many charity fundraising events have been organized and continue to be organized under the title "Together with VILLI in the fight against cancer". After each initiative, we have expressed our gratitude to the organizers and participants and to you, the donors, and now once again I would like to THANK YOU all for your empathy! Organizing any donation initiative is difficult, but you don't give up! I am proud to be a part of such a society where people support each other in the most difficult moments. We received support from equally amazing people outside the country - my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers! THANK YOU! The fundraising campaign continues! And we are moving forward thanks to all of YOU and we understand more and more that when you choose Faith and Hope everything is possible! Faith is within us, and hope is a gift that we can give to each other! A PERSONAL THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER HAS ENGAGED AND CONTINUE TO ENGAGE WITH THESE INITIATIVES! And last but not least, I would like to thank my family and WILLI - for her strength, her desire to fight and her faith! Happy Holidays and be healthy and blessed! Заедно с Вили в борбата с рака: Банкова сметка за дарения: Величка Иванова Маринкова, Първа Инвестиционна Банка. BG03FINV915010BGN0D7FW PayPal: [email protected] Основание за плащане: Дарение за Вили Или чрез линковете по долу https://pavelandreev.org/camp…/zaedno-s-vili-v-borbata-s-raka https://gofund.me/f8005aa9 Donation account: Velichka Marinkova First Investment Bank IBAN: BG03FINV915010BGN0D7FW UK BANK ACCOUNT: Velichka Marinkova, Nationwide sort code 07-02-46, account 23386960. paypal: [email protected] Refference of the payment: donation for Villi or via the links below https://gofund.me/f8005aa9 https://pavelandreev.org/camp…/zaedno-s-vili-v-borbata-s-raka Thank you All

Christ is risen! Much health, love, humility and good luck! Happy Easter to everyone! I waited a long time, but I knew this address had to be written. With the coming of this bright holiday, I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal and my family's gratitude to all of you who have not been indifferent! You have shown compassion and supported us in our efforts to raise funds for the treatment of Willi, my sister! Your support means a lot! It gave back the hope that all would be well again.

Many initiatives followed, organized by people known and unknown to us, organizations, individuals, local town halls and the municipality. Many charity fundraising events were organised and continue to be organised under the banner "Together with VILI in the fight against cancer". After each initiative we have expressed our appreciation to the organizers and participants and to you the donors, and now I would like to THANK YOU all once again for your commitment! Organizing any donation initiative is difficult, but you do not give up! I am proud to be a part of such a community where people support each other in the most difficult times. We have received support from equally amazing people outside the country - my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers! THANK YOU!

The fundraising campaign continues! And we keep moving forward thanks to all of YOU and we understand more and more that when you choose Faith and Hope anything is possible! Faith is within us and hope is a gift we can give to each other! THANK YOU PERSONALLY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER HAS COMMITTED AND CONTINUES TO COMMIT TO THESE INITIATIVES! And last but not least, I would like to thank my family and VILI - for her strength, her willingness to fight and her faith! Happy Holidays and be healthy and blessed!

Happy Easter everyone! I waited a long time, but I knew that this address had to be written. With the advent of this bright holiday, I want to use the opportunity to express my personal and my family's gratitude to all of you who did not remain indifferent! You showed empathy and supported us in our efforts to raise funds for the treatment of Villi, my sister! Your support means a lot! It brought back hope that everything would be okay again. Numerous initiatives followed, organized by known and unknown people, organizations, private individuals, local town halls and the municipality. Many charity fundraising events have been organized and continue to be organized under the title "Together with VILLI in the fight against cancer". After each initiative, we have expressed our gratitude to the organizers and participants and to you, the donors, and now once again I would like to THANK YOU all for your empathy! Organizing any donation initiative is difficult, but you don't give up! I am proud to be a part of such a society where people support each other in the most difficult moments. We received support from equally amazing people outside the country - my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers! THANK YOU! The fundraising campaign continues! And we are moving forward thanks to all of YOU and we understand more and more that when you choose Faith and Hope everything is possible! Faith is within us, and hope is a gift that we can give to each other! A PERSONAL THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER HAS ENGAGED AND CONTINUE TO ENGAGE WITH THESE INITIATIVES! And last but not least, I would like to thank my family and WILLI - for her strength, her desire to fight and her faith! Bank account for donations. BG03FINV915010BGN0D7FW PayPal: [email protected] Reason for payment. paypal: [email protected] Refference of the payment: donation for Villi or via the links below https://gofund.me/f8005aa9 https://pavelandreev.org/camp.../zaedno-s-vili-v-borbata-s-raka Thank you All

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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