Articles - How to deal with social anxiety: Symptoms, treatment and financial support options
30th July 2024

How to deal with social anxiety: Symptoms, treatment and financial support options

Mental health is an important part of a person's overall well-being. It encompasses our emotional and psychological state as well as our public behaviour. Mental health affects the way we think, feel and behave in society. Various factors can lead to mental health problems, including genetic predisposition, traumatic childhood experiences, stressful situations and significant life changes.

Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, is one of the most common mental disorders. This condition is characterized by a strong and persistent fear of public appearances and interactions in which the person may be observed, judged and even criticized by others. People with social anxiety often experience intense anxiety before, during, or after public appearances, which can significantly interfere with their normal life and professional activities.

Attention to this mental condition has been growing in recent years as more people recognize the symptoms and seek help. Society is beginning to understand how important it is to pay attention to mental health and to seek the necessary support from those who suffer from such disorders.

What are the symptoms of social anxiety?

The condition manifests itself through a variety of symptoms that can be divided into physical, emotional and behavioral. These symptoms significantly hinder the daily life of the affected people and require attention and appropriate treatment.

Physical symptoms

People suffering from this disorder may experience:

  • Sweating: Increased sweating is a common symptom, especially in situations of high stress.

  • Trembling: Hands, feet or even the whole body may tremble uncontrollably.

  • Increased heartbeat is common and can lead to feelings of dizziness or even panic.

Emotional symptoms

Emotional symptoms are the ones that most impact the psyche and can be particularly difficult to overcome:

  • Feelings of intense fear: A constant and intense fear of public appearances, which makes the person feel insecure and vulnerable.

  • Panic: Episodes of panic that may include feeling short of breath, chest pain and a sense of loss of control.

  • Shame and low self-esteem: Feelings of shame and inadequacy, leading to reduced self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

Behavioural symptoms

Behavioral symptoms are related to the way people interact with the world around them:

  • Avoidance of social appearances: People with social anxiety often avoid circumstances where they have to interact with other people, even if it means missing important events or opportunities.

  • Difficulty speaking in public: Speaking in front of a large group of people can be extremely stressful, leading to difficulty expressing and forgetting thoughts.

  • Self-isolation: Those who suffer from this condition often isolate themselves to avoid potential situations in which they might feel uncomfortable.

These symptoms significantly affect the quality of life and social integration of those affected. Recognising them is the first step towards seeking help and finding appropriate treatment.

How do people with social phobia feel?

People with social phobia are like actors on a stage who experience constant tension and anxiety. In their day-to-day life, every interaction with others is like performing in front of an audience where they feel constantly exposed to the judgment and criticism of others. This stress and fear of rejection often causes them to isolate themselves and avoid social situations, which impairs their lives and self-esteem.

Is there a cure for social anxiety?

This mental disorder is a treatable condition, and there are various methods that can help affected people lead a more fulfilling lifestyle. Treatment usually involves a combination of therapy, medication and alternative methods, and choosing the appropriate approach depends on individual needs and the severity of the condition.


Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for social phobia. Cognitive behavioural therapy is widely recognised as the standard approach to dealing with this problem. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients recognize and change the negative thought patterns that fuel their fear of social situations. Therapists work with patients to teach them relaxation and stress management techniques.


Medications can also be helpful in treatment. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are often prescribed to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Benzodiazepines can be used for short-term relief of acute symptoms, but because of the risk of dependence, their use should be carefully monitored.

Alternative methods

Alternative practises such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing techniques can also help to relieve symptoms. These methods help to reduce stress and improve general mental health.

Professional help is essential for the successful treatment of social anxiety. Therapists and psychiatrists can offer the personalized strategies and support that is needed to address the problem. Consistency in therapy is key - many methods require time and commitment to be effective.

Financial support for social anxiety treatment

Financial support is extremely important for people who need social anxiety treatment. The costs of therapy, medication and other forms of treatment can be significant, but there are various options for securing financial assistance.

State programs

Some states have financial assistance programs that target people with mental disorders. These programs may include free or reduced-cost therapy and medication.

Charitable organizations

There are many charitable organizations that offer financial assistance to people with social anxiety. These organizations may provide direct financial support or cover the cost of certain treatments.

Crowdfunding platforms

Crowdfunding platforms allow people to raise funds for their treatment through donations from a wide range of people. This is an effective way of raising the necessary funds quickly.

Employer support

Some employers offer mental health support programmes that include funding for therapy and counselling. Check what options your employer offers.

How can we provide funding through the PavelAndreev.ORG donation platform?

PavelAndreev.ORG is a crowdfunding platform that focuses on providing financial support for people in need. The mission of the platform is to unite the community in support of socially important causes by providing an opportunity for people to raise funds for medical treatment, education and other causes. The platform stands out for its transparency and reliability, providing a direct path between donors and those in need.

Campaign launch

Launching a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform is easy. Follow the steps and upload the requested information. The platform guides you.

Start a campaign right now.

Campaign preparation

Campaign preparation is important for campaign success. You need to gather the necessary information and documents that will support your request for financial support. This may include:

  • Medical documentation proving your diagnosis and need for treatment.
  • Bids or invoices for therapy, medications and other related expenses.
  • A personal history or description of the situation that explains why the funds are needed.

Setting up the campaign

Choose a clear and eye-catching headline that succinctly describes the funding need. Describe in detail the condition of the person suffering from social anxiety and why treatment is needed. Include information about the diagnosis, symptoms, treatment plans and estimated costs. Be honest. Identify the amount you want to raise. Make sure this amount covers all necessary costs of treatment.

Share the campaign

Once you've launched a campaign, the next step is to share it to reach the widest possible audience. Share the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, TikTok and YouTube. Use your personal profiles and ask friends and family to share too. Share the campaign link in online groups and forums

Update the campaign

Keep the campaign active by posting regular updates on patient status and campaign progress. Thank donors for their support and keep them informed of any important events or changes. This shows transparency and engagement, which can spur additional donations.

Launching a campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform is a way to express sympathy and understanding for people suffering from mental disorders such as social anxiety. Your support can change their lives and help them cope with the severe symptoms they experience on a daily basis. If you know someone who needs financial help for treatment, encourage them to use the PavelAndreev.ORG platform. Together we can help more people live more peacefully and confidently.

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