Да помогнем на Жорката Let's help to Zhorkat

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Да помогнем на Жорката Let's help to Zhorkat

1331 Дарители
57118.61 EUR дарени от 49200 EUR
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Илко Илиев
Георги Кирилов Пелтеков
Крайна дата
Налична сума
23386.89 EUR
Илко Илиев организира кампания за Георги Кирилов Пелтеков
Налична сума
23386.89 EUR

Приятели, както много от вас знаят Жорката а.к.а. “Гумата” претърпя парашутен инцидент, който увреди гръбнака му и способностите му да си движи краката и съответно се нуждае от дълга и скъпа терапия в чужбина. Много от вас ни питаха дали има как да се помогне, за което сме безкрайно щастливи и благодарни. Съответно дойде и този момент.

Извън текущите разходи покрай операцията и хоспитализирането на Жоро сме изчислили, че следващите шест месеца ще струват приблизително €49,200 за процедури, които варират спрямо зарастването на раните и прогреса му във времето. Повече за травмите му и интервенциите до момента можете да прочетете по-надолу. Надяваме се, че посочената сума ще покрие по-дългосрочно лечение, включително разходи покрай пътуванията, медицинска екипировка, медикаменти и други непредвидени разходи.

Малко повече за Жоро:

За тези, които не го познават би било трудно да се опише добротата му и желанието му да помогне на всеки. Още от ранна възраст започва да се занимава със сноуборд, като за кратко време става един от най-добрите и отдадени на спорта атлети, и в последствие учител.

Страстта на Жоро към летенето започва преди 15 години, когато се научава да лети с парапланер, a след това става първият инструктор в България по летене в тунел, където продължава да работи, достигайки до най-високо ниво, за да предава своите знания и умения на следващите поколения летци. От 4 години се занимава с бейс джъмп и парашутизъм, следвайки мечтите си, давайки всичко от себе си, като знания и опит.

Той е един чист човек, посветил живота си на спорта и развитието му, даващ, обичащ и можещ млад мъж, който заслужава да получи от всички нас подкрепата, която му е нужна, за да се върне отново към това, което обича.

Какво се случи до момента:

След инцидента Жорката бе откаран в Окръжна Болница “Св.Анна”, където директно влезе в двудневна операция. По време на нея прешленът му L1 бе реконструиран и се сдоби с 8 пирона и титаниев мост. На третия ден след операцията Жоро претърпя спинален инсулт, което доведе до втора интервенция и отстраняване на образувалия се хематом. Вследствие на травмите и инсулта способностите му да движи краката си изчезнаха, което е и причината за тази кампания. 

Операция 1: Декомпресивна ламинекомия на Th-12, L-1, Парциална на L2, Декомпресия на нервни структури, транспедикуларна стабилизация на нива Th-10, Th-11 - L-2, L-3. Алиенация. Лигаментотаксис.

Операция 2: Ревизия. Евакуация на епидурален хематом. Декомпресия на миелона и нервни структури.

Какви са травмите:

  • Високоенергийна, височинна травма.

  • Тежка гръбначно мозъчна травма.

  • Взривна фрактура на тялото на L-1 прешлен с пропулсия на фрагмент в медуларния канал, с компресия на дуралния сак.

  • Исхемичен гръбначно-мозъчен инсулт в областта на лумбалната интумисценция.

  • Неврогенен шок.

  • Физиологично прекъсване на миелона с долна вяла параплегия с анестезия от проводников тип.

  • Постравматична симшатикова и парасимпатикова невропатия (дисавтономия) с модулаторна десцендентна инхибиция - постравматичен паралитичен илеус - обратно развитие.

За какво събираме пари:

  • Рехабилитация.

  • Медицински разходи.

  • Медицински пособия.

  • Пътни разходи.

  • Непредвидени разходи.

Всяко дарение е от значение и сме безкрайно благодарни.

Моля споделяйте кампанията и пращайте позитивна енергия.

Благодарим ви!


Hello friends, as many of you know Georgi recently went through a parachuting accident which severely damaged his spinal cord and his ability to walk therefore he needs a long and expensive rehabilitation abroad. Many of you have already asked if there is something they can help with, for which we are extremely grateful, and now that time has truly come.

Apart from the current and ongoing medical and surgical costs, we've estimated that his rehabilitation and medical procedures in the next six months will cost around €49,200, which could fluctuate based on his progress and the pace of his recovery. Hopefully, this amount will be able to cover a longer treatment, including travel costs, medical equipment, and other unforeseen costs.

A little bit more about George

For those who don't know him, it would be hard to describe such a good and emphatic individual, who is always willing to help. From an early age, he started snowboarding and quickly became one of the best riders fully committed to the sport and eventually becoming an instructor. 

His flying passion was sparked 15 years ago when he learned to paraglide. Following that, George became the first Bulgarian wind tunnel coach, with over 12 years of experience and thousands of tunnel hours behind he is now a world-class Level 4 Instructor Trainer. His passion for flying is unmatched as he loves to share his knowledge and skills on an everyday basis with the other flyers. On top of that, George is a certified skydiving coach and active base jumper, giving a hundred per cent each day following the dream of human flight and sharing his knowledge unconditionally.

George is a pure soul, who has devoted his entire life to the progress of each sport. Being the most kind, emphatic and loving person, capable of anything as we all know. Ironically, now he needs our support so he can be back to everything he loves doing. 

What has happened so far:

Straight after the accident, Georgi was taken to Saint Anna Hospital, where he underwent 2 days long emergency surgery. During the surgery, he got his L1 fully reconstructed. Unfortunately, 3 days later Georgi had a spinal cord insult resulting in another surgery, in order to get rid of the hematoma causing it. Sadly, after the surgery, he lost his ability to move and feel his legs, which is the reason for this fundraising campaign.

Damage report:

  • High energy, altitude injury

  • Severe spinal cord injury

  • Explosive fracture of L1 with propulsion of fragment in the medullary canal

  • Fusion of T12

  • Islamic spinal stroke, caused by post-surgery hematoma

  • Neurogenic shock

  • Physiological interruption of the myelon with inferior value

  • Loss of sense and mobility of the legs

Reason of fundraising

  • Rehab costs

  • Medical costs

  • Medical devices

  • Travel

  • Unforeseen costs


Every contribution goes a long way and we are eternally grateful.

Please share the campaign and send good vibes.

Thank you!

Friends, as many of you know the Jorkata a.k.a. "The Rubber" suffered a parachute accident which damaged his spine and his ability to move his legs and consequently needs long and expensive therapy abroad. Many of you have asked us if there is anything we can do to help, for which we are extremely happy and grateful. Accordingly, this moment has come.

Outside of the ongoing costs alongside Joro's surgery and hospitalisation, we have calculated that the next six months will cost approximately €49,200 for treatments that vary according to the healing of his wounds and his progress over time. You can read more about his injuries and interventions to date below. Hopefully, the above amount will cover longer term treatment, including costs alongside travel, medical equipment, medication and other incidentals.

A little more about Joro:

For those who don't know him it would be hard to describe his kindness and willingness to help anyone. He started snowboarding at an early age, and in a short time became one of the best and most dedicated athletes and eventually a teacher.

Joro's passion for flying began 15 years ago when he learned to fly a paraglider, and then became Bulgaria's first tunnel instructor, where he continues to work, reaching the highest level to pass on his knowledge and skills to the next generation of flyers. For the past 4 years he has been involved in base jumping and parachuting, following his dreams, giving his all in terms of knowledge and experience.

He is a pure man who has dedicated his life to the sport and its development, a giving, loving and capable young man who deserves to get the support he needs from all of us to get back to doing what he loves.

What has happened so far:

After the accident, Jorkata was rushed to St. Anne's County Hospital where he went directly into a two-day surgery. During this his L1 vertebra was reconstructed and he received 8 nails and a titanium bridge. On the third day after the surgery, Joro suffered a spinal stroke, which led to a second intervention and removal of the hematoma that had formed. As a consequence of his injuries and stroke, his ability to move his legs disappeared, which is the reason for this campaign.

Surgery 1: Decompressive laminectomy at Th-12, L-1, Partial at L2, Decompression of nerve structures, Transpedicular stabilization at Th-10, Th-11 - L-2, L-3 levels. Alleination. Ligamentotaxis.

Operation 2: Revision. Evacuation of epidural hematoma. Decompression of myelone and nerve structures.

What are the injuries:

  • High-energy, high-altitude trauma.

  • Severe spinal cord injury.

  • Explosive fracture of the body of the L-1 vertebra with fragment rupture into the medullary canal, with compression of the dural sac.

  • Ischemic spinal stroke in the lumbar intumescence region.

  • Neurogenic shock.

  • Physiologic myelomeningocele disruption with inferior flaccid paraplegia with conduction-type anesthesia.

  • Post-traumatic sympathetic and parasympathetic neuropathy (dysautonomia) with modulatory descending inhibition - post-traumatic paralytic ileus - reverse development.

What we raise money for:

  • Rehabilitation.

  • Medical expenses.

  • Medical supplies.

  • Travel expenses.

  • Unexpected expenses.

Every donation makes a difference and we are eternally grateful.

Please share the campaign and send positive energy.

Thank you!


Hello friends, as many of you know Georgi recently went through a parachuting accident which severely damaged his spinal cord and his ability to walk therefore he needs a long and expensive rehabilitation abroad. Many of you have already asked if there is something they can help with, for which we are extremely grateful, and now that time has truly come.

Apart from the current and ongoing medical and surgical costs, we've estimated that his rehabilitation and medical procedures in the next six months will cost around €49,200, which could fluctuate based on his progress and the pace of his recovery. Hopefully, this amount will be able to cover a longer treatment, including travel costs, medical equipment, and other unforeseen costs.

A little bit more about George

For those who don't know him, it would be hard to describe such a good and emphatic individual, who is always willing to help. From an early age, he started snowboarding and quickly became one of the best riders fully committed to the sport and eventually becoming an instructor.

His flying passion was sparked 15 years ago when he learned to paraglide. Following that, George became the first Bulgarian wind tunnel coach, with over 12 years of experience and thousands of tunnel hours behind he is now a world-class Level 4 Instructor Trainer. His passion for flying is unmatched as he loves to share his knowledge and skills on an everyday basis with the other flyers. On top of that, George is a certified skydiving coach and active base jumper, giving a hundred per cent each day following the dream of human flight and sharing his knowledge unconditionally.

George is a pure soul, who has devoted his entire life to the progress of each sport. Being the most kind, emphatic and loving person, capable of anything as we all know. Ironically, now he needs our support so he can be back to everything he loves doing.

What has happened so far:

Straight after the accident, Georgi was taken to Saint Anna Hospital, where he underwent 2 days long emergency surgery. During the surgery, he got his L1 fully reconstructed. Unfortunately, 3 days later Georgi had a spinal cord stroke resulting in another surgery, in order to get rid of the hematoma causing it. Sadly, after the surgery, he lost his ability to move and feel his legs, which is the reason for this fundraising campaign.

Damage report:

  • High energy, altitude injury

  • Severe spinal cord injury

  • Explosive fracture of L1 with propulsion of fragment in the medullary canal

  • Fusion of T12

  • Islamic spinal stroke, caused by post-surgery hematoma

  • Neurogenic shock

  • Physiological interruption of the myelon with inferior value

  • Loss of sense and mobility of the legs

Reason of fundraising

  • Rehab costs

  • Medical costs

  • Medical devices

  • Travel

  • Unforeseen costs

Every contribution goes a long way and we are eternally grateful.

Please share the campaign and send good vibes.

Thank you!

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