Здравейте, мили хора!
Ще ви разкажа на кратко нашата история. Термина ми беше на 25.02.2023г, Боянислава се ражда по-рано по естествен път в 37-ма г.с., поради спонтанно започнала родова дейност на 06.02.2023г.
На 07.02.2023г. имах уговорен час с моята акушерка за тонове в болницата УМБАЛ "Проф. Д-р Стоян Киркович" АД , гр. Стара Загора. Тъй като не можах да отида на тонове на 06.02.2023г, сутринта в 6:30 получавам кървене и болки в корема, звъня на лекарката да й кажа и тя ми казва да отида по най-бързия начин в болницата.
Прегледаме с ехограф и ми каза, че детето е добре и не е оплетено в пъпната си връв, но съм с 9,5см разкритие. В 10:07 минути Боянислава се роди и ми казаха след десетина минути, че има проблем с дясната ръчичка. Държаха ме 7 дена по клинична пътека в болницата, абсолютно нищо не й направиха. Детските педиатъри в болницата през тези 7 дни ми казаха, че на детето му е пукната или счупена костицата. Изписаха ни от болницата на 11.02.2023г.
На 13.02.2023г. личният лекар, детски педиатър Д-р Соня Кайрякова, дойде вкъщи на визитация. Прегледа я и я преслуша, каза всичко е наред и й дадох епикризата от болницата. На 24.02.2023г. ми даде направление за специалист по детска неврология. Абсолютно нищо нямаше на прегледа, по опипа я по рамената и каза: или е счупена или пукната костицата при самото раждане. Даде ни направление за ,, Кинези 2" рехабилитация и здраве. Към този център имахме 10 процедури по 30 минути, като й правеха само леки масажи на дясната ръчичка.
ОТ моя близка разбрах за център ,, Kinesio life" гр. Стара Загора. Веднага си записахме час и започнахме раздвижвания. Рехабилитаторът ни Юмер ни помогна да направим запитване в турска болница. ОТ там ни казаха, че е нужно да се направят изследвания и ЯМР на стойност 1500€. За съжаление на този етап нямахме тази финансова възможност.
Едва на скоро на 11.01.24г успяхме да съберем средствата и да заминем за Турция. На следващия ден направихме и изследванията. От тях стана ясно, че Боянислава има 3 скъсани нерва и 2 прекъснати възела и е трябвало да се направи операция от 3 до максимум 6 месеца. С така стеклите се обстоятелства и липса на внимание, даже не успяхме да подготвим документи за Телк.
Update: 12.12.24
Hello dear and good people! We want to ask for your help!
Boyanislava was born with obstetric paresis of the right hand!
After we took her to the YMG in Instanbul, Turkey we were told she had 3 severed nerves and 2 severed knots. We started a cause and the money was raised, then we left for Turkey. Initially Boyanislava was going to be operated on at Medipol, but was subsequently operated on at another hospital by a professor.
The operation lasted 2 hours without complications. Bojanislava's arm was immobilized for 1 month. After that month we contacted the docent and he said it was time to start with active rehabilitation. Since starting rehab, Bojanislava has had significant improvements, she has started to lift her right arm more, she has a slight grip.
Recently Bojanislava had a follow-up and the professor told us that she has significant improvements, she is lifting her arm more than 90 degrees and if we continue with active rehabilitation she will be able to grip better. The conro checks will be every 6 months. The recovery period for the arm is 2 years and once this period has passed we will know how much the arm will recover and if a second operation will be needed!
If we stop rehabilitation here, Bojanislava may lose the improvements she has! I ask for your help so that Bojanislava can live a normal childhood!
Hello, dear people!
I will tell you our story briefly. My due date was on 25.02.2023, Boyanislava was born early naturally at 37 due to spontaneous labor on 06.02.2023.
On 07.02.2023 I had an appointment with my midwife for tonus at the hospital "Prof. Dr. Stoyan Kirkovich AD , gr. I had an appointment with Dr. KIRKOVSKY in Stara Zagora. Since I could not go for tonus on 06.02.2023, in the morning at 6:30 I get bleeding and pain in my abdomen, I call the doctor to tell her and she tells me to go as soon as possible to the hospital.
We have an ultrasound and she tells me the baby is fine and not tangled in her umbilical cord, but I have a 9.5cm opening. At 10:07 minutes Bojanislava was born and I was told ten minutes later that there was a problem with her right arm. They kept me on a clinical pathway in the hospital for 7 days, they did absolutely nothing for her. The paediatricians at the hospital during those 7 days told me that the child had a cracked or broken bone. We were discharged from the hospital on 11.02.2023.
On 13.02.2023 the personal physician, paediatrician Dr Sonia Kairyakova, came home for a visit. She examined her and listened to her, said everything was fine and I gave her the epicrisis from the hospital. On 24.02.2023 she gave me a referral to a specialist in child neurology. There was absolutely nothing on the examination, he felt her shoulders and said: either the bone was broken or cracked in the birth itself. She gave us a referral for ,, Kinesi 2" rehabilitation and health. We had 10 treatments of 30 minutes each at this centre, and they only did light massages on her right arm.
From my relative I found out about the centre ,, Kinesio life" town. I found out about Kinesio Clinic in Stara Zagora. Immediately we booked an appointment and we started to move. Our rehabilitator Yumer helped us to make an inquiry in a Turkish hospital. From there we were told that we needed to have tests and an MRI for 1500€. Unfortunately we did not have this financial possibility at this stage.
It was only recently on 11.01.24 that we were able to raise the funds and go to Turkey. The next day we did the research. From them it became clear that Boyanislava had 3 severed nerves and 2 severed knots and needed to have surgery in 3 to 6 months maximum. With the circumstances and lack of attention, we were not even able to prepare documents for Telk.
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